Birth story - Ashleigh and baby boy


Wow, where to start on the whirlwind birth of my perfect baby boy. I had bought the book somewhere around 25 weeks and finished it quite quickly. With my first and second babies I did pregnancy yoga and found quite a lot of similarities in that and hypnobirthing so I was quite comfortable with it all and found it an interesting reading. I also bought the digital pack around about 36/7 weeks and managed to complete it in time.

I had 2 straightforward water births with gas and air for my first children and was very keen to follow the same pattern with this little boy. My due date came and went and I did accept a few sweeps from the midwife as I was keen for things to start. At 8 days over my estimated date I had a lengthy discussion with the midwife about the pros and cons of induction. I decided that I would accept an appointment to begin the process the following week when I would be 10 days over. I had a bit of a cry when I got home and then decided to immerse myself in the positive induction stories on here, this helped me tremendously. I felt a lot more positive about it.

Saturday was my birthday so my husband and I took the children out for the afternoon which resulted in a 3 hour walk. Luckily baby gave me the night to rest before making his arrival.

I woke on Sunday morning and could feel I was having surges regularly. I didn’t think too much of it as I had been having regular Braxton Hicks. I did however think that they were starting to become a bit more intense a few hours later so I started to use Freya to time them.

It wasn’t long until the app advised that I was in established labour so I asked my husband to call the birthing suite. They told us to make our way in. As he sorted the children something to eat and tidied up the last few bits in the house, I went upstairs to listen to Freya and got the tens machine on. I managed to up-breath my way through every surge and, although they were getting more intense, I still assumed that I had lots of time and I did not want to go in to be examined only to be sent home again, as that was my worst nightmare.

In hindsight, I did feel my body start to transition but because I was so calm I said to my husband that I needed to use the toilet before we leave. He helped me off the bed where I had been resting and on to the toilet. At this point my body started to push and I told him I think it’s too late to leave. So hovering over the toilet at some point between 2.15 and 2.30 my waters popped in Hollywood fashion, out came my little boys head and with the next surge he was born into the arms of my husband.

My husband had at some point managed to dial 999 so they were able to talk us through the rest and give him some advise about keeping us both warm and moving us to another room so I could deliver the placenta. Paramedics and midwife arrived to check us both over (typically after baby and placenta had been delivered) and we managed to stay at home and avoid a trip to hospital. My other 2 children were occupied downstairs and only realised that something was happening when the ambulance arrived.

All in all not the water birth I had wanted but my gosh I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am quite a calm person generally and managed quite well in my first 2 births but this little boys labour was next level calm and I can attribute that to The Positive Birthing Company. Totally amazing and an experience my husband and I will never forget. I have never felt so empowered. If you made it to the end thank you for reading x


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