Birth story - Rachel and baby Thea

As my due date edged closer I became fearful of it, my second labour had been traumatic and lengthy, I was petrified of having the same experience again.

I purchased the book after reading some really positive reviews. I read it so quickly and filled my other half in on his “jobs”, I became incredibly excited to give birth. I knew I wanted a water birth as this had not been possible with my two older children. I discussed my plans with my midwife, due to having shoulder dystocia with my previous babies, it was advised I could labour in the water but not deliver. Using my BRAIN I agreed that this was best.

On the 1st April I went to bed with contractions, I presumed they were Braxton Hicks as I was due to be induced on the 3rd and she was already 10 days late. I woke up on the 2nd April so tired and just laid in bed. I got out of bed at 9am and started contracting instantly, they were coming every 5 minutes and were uncomfortable. By using my up breathing I stayed calm and pottered around the house, I knew this was it. Within 10 minutes they were every 3 minutes apart and I was struggling to manage them. I rang labour ward who advised I should visit day care for assessment and said my partner should wait in the car. We left the house at 9.40am and contractions were every 2 minutes lasting for a minute, it was relentless! I genuinely thought I was going to give birth on the motorway!

I got to the hospital at 10.10, I went to day care and told them I needed to be on labour ward. I took my partner as I knew things were moving quickly, they took me straight over. I was examined and was 8cm dilated. There was no time to get in the pool, or prepare the room, I didn’t use any of the stuff I’d collated to create the environment I wanted. Before I knew it my waters broke and she was coming!


When I read in the book that your body will birth your baby and you don’t need to push I truly didn’t believe it. This body just did it. There was no pain, it was amazing. Unfortunately I did have shoulder dystocia again, and it was quite traumatic for my daughter. We didn’t get immediate skin to skin due to her needing to be resuscitated but when she came back I laid there with her for 2 hours.

My birth definitely isn’t how I had imagined it, due to being only 90 minutes from start to finish. I was unable to use any of the techniques and tools to help with relaxation except the breathing. Despite the complications it was the most empowering experience of my life and was the best labour I have had...which I owe all to the positive birth company!

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