Birth story - Becky and baby William


I first heard about hypnobirthing from a friend who read the book. I have given birth twice before and couldn't believe I never knew the science behind it. I bought the book and both myself and my husband read and enjoyed it.

I had two very long back labours before, being quite intense from the off and therefore experienced extreme lack of sleep before the babies even arrived! Looking back, I really didn't know any science behind it all and did not give my body the best chance.

I was determined to be more chilled this time if I could.. well 12 days overdue and I was offered inducement. I decided to go with it as I was so overdue and was confident I could still hypnobirth.
I was always going to have a hospital birth after a post partum haemorrhage (PPH) after my previous birth, so had no concerns about being able to 'relax' in that environment. Even in the current circumstances which are even more unusual, I know I am the kind of person to feel much more at ease just knowing I'm surrounded by professionals. I think some women are just like this!

I arrived and my pessary was inserted at 2pm.. after that I strolled around the grounds and had my dinner brought to me.. to be honest after 6 months at home with my husband and two children to homeschool, I felt a bit pampered!

I began sipping water from the get go (something I did not do in my previous births) and read a book. Around 7pm I had , what I thought were Braxton Hicks.. they were coming every five to twenty minutes and I actually began to wonder if they were waves of constipation! Around 9pm I tried to doze.. it was noisy, so I popped hypnobirthing music on with my earphones and drifted in and out if sleep. When I got examined at 1am, the midwife was surprised to see my regular tightenings. I was confused if they were Braxtons or not and she said they probably were and to stay chilled. Looking back, they were mild tightenings.. it's just that I had never experienced them at the front before! There is no doubt they were milder because of this, but I really think my mindset helped me to doze through them.

At 7am I went to the toilet and noticed my plug had gone. I ate some breakfast and after a few more tightenings which slowed when I lay down, I decided to go for a stroll at around 10am. I phoned my husband and had around 10 in half an hour! He thought that was a lot, but as I was so able to breathe through them and chat happily in between, I told him not to worry it would be 'ages' yet!

At about 11.30am I asked to be examined, just due to the regularity of the tightenings. At this point I couldn't speak whilst having them, I had to get in the zone and breath, but they were very manageable. Despite this, I was convinced it was very early stages as I just felt so calm and in control! I was 5/6cm dilated and super pleased with myself. The midwives got me down to labour ward and I called my husband saying he'd better drop the children off and get here. The lovely midwife ran the water for the pool and I asked her if she could make the room dark and soothing. She happily did and popped some incense in the water! The contractions slowed a little and the midwife said that was because I was controlling them due to wanting my husband to be there! The power of the mind is truly amazing. I continued to sip water and nibble on snacks for the next ten minutes.

I got in the pool at 12 midday and then the tightenings began becoming more intense again once my husband arrived. He was fantastic and felt so confident in how to help by reminding me of my breathing. I kept imagining myself opening up with every one and we were still able to have a giggle as a few adverts came on during the calming music!

All of a sudden, and only 40 minutes after he arrived, I knew it was down breathing time, I couldn't believe it as I knew this meant I was pretty much there! I had the urge to go to the toilet, so I said please can I have gas and air for when he comes out! The pipe actually helped me to control the breathing, which felt more like continuous grunting, but it didn't actually kick in as a pain relief as everything happened so quickly. I let my body take over completely and didn't 'push' at all, just imagined my baby moving down and out. My midwife was silent throughout which gave me even more confidence that she felt she just needed to sit back and let me get on with it. She was so silent that when baby was crowning I had a wobble and asked if he was stuck as she wasn't saying anything! All of a sudden I felt the head come followed by the body all in one tightening.

Baby William was born in his waters at 12.52pm! I had a small graze which didn't require stitches, delayed the cord clamping and had the injection to get the placenta out. The midwives didn't weigh him until a few hours after lots of skin to skin and we found out he was 9lbs exactly.


It really was the most fantastic experience- I know it would have been a different experience as it wasn't back labour and his positioning was obviously great, but I am convinced that due to hypnobirthing, I was able to feel in control, calm and have the birth I always wanted.

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