Birth story - Olivia and baby Rosie

A want to say a huge thankyou to the PBC! As a first time mum I read your book when I was 30 weeks pregnant with very little knowledge of what sort of birth I wanted. The book gave me the guidance I needed to make informed choices throughout my entire pregnancy.

The midwife led unit at my chosen hospital was currently closed due to Covid, therefore I had the options of either a home birth or going to the labour ward. I quickly decided that I loved the sound of a water birth, however as the labour ward only had one pool available I felt that was a real gamble, I therefore started looking into the option of home birth. At first my partner was very shocked that I was considering a home birth with our first child! However, once he had read the book he could understand how it facilitated having a calm, natural water birth and that in fact the risks, for a low risk pregnancy like mine, were minimal. My midwifery team were incredibly supportive of my decision and began to set me up for the home birth at 37 weeks.

At 41+1 weeks there was still no sign of baby, however I could sense that my body was getting ready after a bloody show that morning. The midwife suggested a sweep which I declined, I really wanted to go into labour completely naturally to give my home birth plan the best chance. The next day I started getting some mild period pains, I carried on shopping with my mum and sister for the afternoon. They began to get slightly stronger by the evening so I rang my midwife to let her know that I thought things were beginning to happen! She advised getting some sleep and calling her once I was in established labour.

I managed to sleep on and off, with a stick on heat pack on my back, until 4am. I woke then, feeling that things had got more intense. I popped on my tens machine, sat on my birth ball and used the up breathing and Freya app to track my contractions. The Freya app informed me I was now in established labour.

At 7am the midwife arrived, I consented to a examination and found out I was 4cm dilated. At this point I was offered gas and air which I accepted. I moved downstairs but stayed upright and active, continuing to breathe through the contractions. My partner filled the birth pool, lit candles, put on the oil diffuser and synced the Freya app to our speakers as I was addicted to the music! We had set up the room the night before in hopes that baby was on the way! I had my positive affirmations stuck along my breakfast bar next to the pool.

At around 10am the pool was ready, I felt such relief getting into the warm water. The student midwife poured water onto my lower back, it felt amazing. It wasn't long until I felt I was in the transition phase, this was the only time during the whole labour I felt a little panicky, my partner reassured me that I was doing brilliantly and to trust my body, before I knew it my body was pushing, I didn't even have to push myself! My body knew exactly what to do and at 12.21 my surprise baby girl was born!

Without the PBC I would never have had the amazing birth experience in my own home. Thankyou so much for equipping me with the mindset to have the best birth possible.

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