Birth story - Naomi and baby Lark

I had my first signs that labour would be starting soon on Sunday 27th June. I went for a long walk with my husband and 2 year old daughter, Eira, and by the end I could feel baby was really low and I felt very ‘crampy’! I’d been struggling with energy and walking in the last few weeks and suddenly felt a lot more energised so it felt like my body was getting ready!

I woke up at 2am to mild contractions, like period pains. I stayed in bed, resting and listening to the sound bath meditation from the digital pack until 6am. I called my mum and asked her to come round to help with Eira. I had this strong feeling that I wanted Eira to be included and present in the birth, as long as she wanted to be. My mum came right away, full of excitement and anxiety! My husband set up the pool and prepared the birthing space. My mum & Eira entertained themselves around the house and outside.

I spent my time in the birthing space, mostly walking around and leaning over the sofa during contractions. Eira kept asking to check on me which was lovely. I felt like I was getting extra oxytocin hits whenever she came in! I didn’t time the contractions or have any vaginal exams. They both seemed like an unnecessary distraction. I wanted to be purely led by my body and it’s wisdom. So around 10am, I felt things intensifying. I noticed those doubting thoughts show up and knew I was transitioning into the second stage. I also felt that I needed the pool!

At this point I called the homebirth team. Fortunately my named midwife was on shift and she arrived about 20 mins later. I got in the pool around 10.30 and felt that instant relief from the water. Contractions continued to intensify and then I felt that switch and urge to bear down. The contractions were more intense but more purposeful. I actually prefer the second stage as it feels like something is finally happening! By this point Eira had gone for a nap (no idea how she managed to sleep as I am not a quiet birther!).

I spent most of the time in the pool in a squat or all 4s position which felt the most comfortable and powerful! I used deep breaths and sounds to manage the contractions. In between contractions I focused on relaxing my muscles and my jaw. ‘Relaxed jaw = relaxed pelvic floor’ and I wanted to keep relaxed! So lots of horse lips & low humming to help release jaw tension.

When I felt the burning, stretching feeling, I reached down to feel baby’s head. Shortly after I felt a pop and knew my waters had broken. I took my time, letting my body do the work and just going with it. A few more contractions and baby’s head was out. It was so cool to reach down and feel it! Another contraction and half the baby’s body came out. This, I wasn’t expecting! I could hear the midwife saying you need to push but my body had no power, the contractions had stopped. I managed to push the baby fully out somehow but it was so weird doing that with no more contractions!

The baby had the cord wrapped around their neck and armpit. I wasn’t worried about this, I know it’s normal for that to happen in birth. We calmly untangled the cord and bought baby out of the water. I saw that she was a girl and bought baby to my chest for skin to skin.

We had that lovely golden hour of skin to skin. I ate some dates (to help with bleeding). I watched my daughter do the breast crawl and latch herself to feed (utterly incredible) and I has a physiological placenta birth. We’ve kept the placenta to bury in the garden! I cut the cord after the birth of the placenta. It was so incredibly important to me to avoid all drugs and medical intervention and to fully trust that my body and baby knew what they were doing. I had no tears, I think my focus on relaxing my jaw helped with that!

Eira woke up shortly after her sister was born. She came in and just stared and giggled at her. It was adorable. I’m so glad she was part of the birth. We’ve been tandem feeding since and I think all of this has helped her to adjust to having a sibling.

I’m so grateful to all the wisdom shared by the positive birth company. Having the knowledge about birth helped me to make informed decisions and also was comforting during labour! I found the up breathing particularly helpful during labour. But my favourite part was the sound bath meditation, I listened to that throughout my pregnancy and during early labour. Instant relaxation!

We named our daughter Lark. She has been incredibly chilled and taken to breastfeeding so well. I really feel that the natural, unmedicated, homebirth has contributed in such a positive way to her start in life.

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