Birth story - Martha and baby Sebastien

Throughout my pregnancy I was told my baby was too big and I had an induction date decided for me from quite early on. An obstetrician told me I should have an elective C-section and that if I birthed my boy vaginally that there would be “terrible terrible consequences,” when I tried to discuss the data on shoulder dystocia. Despite being a doula, and being very informed from my work and PBC course, I nearly accepted, due to perinatal anxiety which I developed in my pregnancy off the back of suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and navigating a pregnancy through a pandemic.

After meeting an amazing supportive consultant, working with my doula and starting therapy and medication for my anxiety I used my B.R.A.I.N and began to trust my body again. I made a birth preference plan for all different types of birth and felt informed and prepared for however my son needed to be born.

I had contractions for a week that would start and stop for a few hours. I felt really relaxed and was in no rush to force the labour process and spent the time watching Kirsty and Phil love it or list it (they are like a married couple and it makes me too happy to watch).

Thursday night contractions started and I spent the night sleeping and using my hypnobreathing and affirmations. Things picked up throughout Friday after lighting my clary sage candle and mid ‘22 Jump Street’ and by 3pm they were coming every 2 mins for a min so I headed to hospital.

I had very strict instructions on no VE, being left to labour with my partner as much as possible and making sure my environment was protected from anyone that did not need to be there. I think it’s important to mention that I suffer from PTSD due to sexual abuse (which I disclosed with midwifes and in my preference plan, as examinations and feeling vulnerable are two triggers for me).

When admitted to hospital I went to the botanical suite which had a birth pool (I had put I didn’t want a VE and because of contractions I was classed in active labour). I laboured in the suite, with contractions coming every 2 mins and lasting for a minute, and then requested an examination, I was only 2cm and was told that baby was in a awkward position. I was devastated and asked for more time and an examination in a few hours and an epidural if there was no progression, because of how intense contractions were, and I started to doubt my ability to birth my baby.

I rang my doula and spoke to her and my partner and we decided to try out some different positions, on the birth ball, toilet, and side lying to try and move baby and I jumped in birth pool for a rest. The support from my doula and partner at this point was exactly what I needed to feel back in control.

At 10 there was a shift change and I met my midwife, Amy. She brought a new energy into the room with her and believed in my ability to birth my baby, as I hoped, and kept telling me how powerful and strong I was and that I could do it. Despite at the time telling her that she was ‘chatting s*#t’ upon reflection it was the exact words I needed to hear. I also can’t tell you how appreciative I was of her leaving me and my partner to labour alone as much as possible as requested in my preferences.

After another few hours in the bath my Midwife came back in to see how things were, and we all assumed not much had changed due to my behaviour remaining calm and focused. Around 5 minutes later I got out of the bath and went to the toilet and felt something come out. I asked my partner to shine the little torch we were using to see and realised my waters had burst. My midwife then came back and checked me and found I was 7cm. She said she would come back to check again and leave us to carry on together. She left the room and I started to poo, because of naturally pushing, so went straight to doula mode and said to Ben to get her back into the room as it was Go Time, (opening your bowels is always a great sign that baby is near) she checked and I had gone to 10!

Half an hour of pushing with falling asleep in between contractions and little Sebby was born.

The most crazy experience of my life and so unbelievably happy with how it all went! I feel like a superwoman after my birth and full of confidence and inspiration to support as many women as I can through my doula work.

After the birth I had a second degree tear which required stitches (I did not feel this at all during the pushing phase or after and can’t believe I spent so much time being worried about a tear). Initially they wanted to take me to theatre but instead I had a local anaesthetic which was amazing as I didn’t feel any of the procedure and could avoid getting a spinal block. I also had my beautiful boy in my arms and my midwife and partner holding my hand for support throughout. Again I used my hypno-birthing breathing for this as my pain relief and to help keep me calm and it worked perfectly.

I now use this breathing for so many things in life any examinations I have or times of anxiety or pain during breastfeeding. Thank you so much to the positive birth company for helping to prepare me and my partner, who was unbelievable throughout the birth in supporting me and has walked away from the birth describing it as the best experience of his life!

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