Birth story - Olivia and baby Delilah
After a difficult time getting pregnant and also a difficult pregnancy, I am happy and relieved with how my birth went. Due to severe SPD, some reduced movements and a slight bit of weight decrease from baby, it was decided I would be induced on the evening of Sunday 15th January.
On the Friday before this I was given a stretch and sweep by my midwife who told me my cervix had softened but I was not at all dilated yet, but things were definitely happening.
I’d been having on and off twinges throughout the days on the weekend and went in on Sunday night and told I was being induced. I was put on the induction suite and the process started with the pessary, I had this in for 24 hours with nothing changing and after examination, nothing at all had changed which was disheartening. I then underwent 3 rounds of the induction gel with no change again every time. At this point I felt exhausted and really upset, I was struggling being in hospital, my partner wasn’t allowed to stay, I was on crutches for my SPD and I was really fed up. I had started contracting Tuesday morning regularly but still nothing was happening with my body.
After the completion of the gels, I was told my body had failed induction and that I would have a rest day of 24 hours and then we would start the induction process from the start again or I could ask for a c-section. I felt so upset and disappointed, I just wanted to meet my baby.
My partner and I were moved onto the labour ward to rest and given a birthing room which was really kind. We got into the room around 7pm ish. We put up our affirmation cards, pictures and tea lights to try and make it as cosy and relaxing as possible for the next stage of this process. We then watched a film and suddenly my waters broke naturally!!
My midwife came in and examined me and I was 1cm dilated and contracting quite heavily. I was given some paracetamol and focused on my breathing. My midwife told me that I had 2 hours to dilate further otherwise I would need to be put on the oxytocin drip, which I was dreading because I knew it made things worse. After 2 hours, my midwife came back and I hadn’t made any progress with dilation which was disheartening as I had been contracting VERY regularly and very intensely for the whole 2 hours.
This was when I was asked about pain relief plans and I decided I wanted the epidural. This was around 4am. I wanted to be able to enjoy my labour and the contractions and pain from my SPD was already so intense. We got moved to a different room and hooked up to machines, given the oxytocin drip and had my epidural done. It was then just a waiting game.
At around 10am on Wednesday morning I could feel an intense pressure and the need to push, my midwife checked where I was and I had dilated to 10cm!!!! She gave me an hour and then I was able to push.
I started pushing at 11:40am. Baby did so well but her head was tilted so I had to have an episiotomy to help her manoeuvre out. At 12:07pm baby Delilah was born and I have never felt anything like it. I felt so proud of myself and my baby❤️
What started as a rough process of inductions turned out to be the most beautiful labour. I hope anyone who is having induction or is in the process of having an induction remembers to stay strong & that your body will do what your body needs to do when it’s ready.

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