Birth story - Nesha and baby girl
From the beginning of my pregnancy I was skeptical about hypnobirthing as I had always been of the mind set that drugs were available in labour to make the process easier. After a few months of research into different pain relief options and hypnobirthing I decided to download your digital pack on the recommendation of a friend.
I can say with 100% honesty that the purchase of this pack allowed me to have a labour I am proud of.
On the 15th Feb 2020 I was induced at 40+2 weeks due to severe PGP which had rendered me immobile for three months prior to delivery and had made me house bound. Needless to say this wasn’t desirable and impacted my dream delivery of a delivery suite birth not located in a hospital.
On my induction day I was given three rounds of Prostaglandin gel to kickstart my labour. Throughout this process I began to feel contractions in my back and was offered paracetamol for the pain, which I rejected, as my midwife on duty did not believe I was contracting due to placement and lack of trace on the contraction machines.
However at this time I knew I was in active labour and used the breathing techniques from the course. I also used meditation and visualised my baby which helped me relax and ease into the labour.
Unfortunately, my back contractions were getting stronger and the midwives were reluctant to provide any more pain relief due to the above reasons. I didn’t let this discourage me and continued to practice my breathing techniques and keep calm.
16 hours had passed and the midwives performed a stretch and sweep whilst I was 2cm dilated. As there was concern that I was not dilating in good time the midwife advised the hormone drip to speed up contractions and dilation. Using my B.R.A.I.N I had remembered the conversations with my husband where I advised I didn’t want the hormone drip due to the severity of pain the drip causes and told the midwife to leave me for 4 more hours before I decide on the next course of action.
I trusted my body and knew that the breathing techniques were helping. In the meantime 2 hours had passed and my body began to feel differently, I started to grunt and my breathing changed into deep full body breaths. As I only found comfort sat on the toilet at this point I made my way to the bathroom, where I vomited all over myself (haha) and could feel the urge to push grow in intensity.
I decided to check myself if I could feel if I had dilated further and to my surprise I could feel the baby’s head near the opening of my vagina.
I pressed the bell for the midwives who examined me and confirmed the baby’s head was nearly out, the next thing I knew I was being pushed into the delivery suite and handed gas and air.
I pushed for three hours, however, due to baby’s head placement and baby being back to back I required an episiotomy. Which using my B.R.A.I.N I consented to as I knew this intervention was necessary I delivered my healthy baby girl on 16/02/2020 at 21:36 without pain relief and used the hypnobirthing techniques provided on your course.
Although my labour did not go as intended I am so thankful for your course to guide me through the pain and remain positive. It also allowed me to birth my baby girl drug free which is something I never thought I could do!

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