Birth story - Nicole and baby Josephine
At 12 weeks my sister in law purchased the digital pack for me as a gift. I was a bit sceptical and unsure if it would help but I started the course and quickly became hooked. From that point on everybody's horror stories didn't bother me. I knew my birth would be unique to me.
I had gone through most of my pregnancy believing that I wouldn't be able to have a home birth as this was my first child. However, at 33+4 my midwife advised me that it is possible and giving my overall good health and no issues throughout pregnancy I was in a good position to do this. This thrilled me as I am not overly keen on hospitals and the environment there. I had always believed that I would be much better off in the comfort of my own home. My husband and I agreed to make the investment in a birth pool and that all going well, I would birth our baby at home.
I experienced several false alarms from around 35 weeks and at 39+4 I attended my midwife routine check after walking my socks off from 37+4 to help baby’s head engage to be told still "free". I left feeling deflated and had to remind myself "my baby will come when my baby is ready" (and that she did!!).
39+6 I helped my husband with the finishing touches of the nursery (organising the drawers and the usual nesting) and by the time we finished my back was aching and I put it down to tiredness, so went for a bath and off to bed.
By 3.20am I was awakened by the feeling I was wetting myself and leapt out of bed and realised my waters had broken. I called the labour ward so that they could record the time. 20 minutes later the surges began and were roughly 5 mins apart. My husband began getting the pool set up ready for when I needed it whilst I managed the surges with up breathing and my tens machine. My husband was amazing during this stage multitasking getting everything set up and stopping to support me through each surge.
By 5am the intensity was building with my surges coming every 2 and a half to 1 and a half minutes. My husband called to request the midwife come out to assist. The midwife arrived at 6.30am and following an examination I was surprised to learn I had made it to 7cm on my own with no pain relief or intervention - just me and my husband :).
I got in the pool and continued to labour for a further 2 hours, listening to my body when it needed me to bear down and breathe my baby out. Our daughter entered the world calmly and gently with a 5 hour and 20 minute labour. I delivered with no interventions and required no stitches - I believe this is owed to gently breathing my baby out.
I can honestly say that my labour was everything I wanted it to be and more. I felt strong and it was an amazing and empowering experience. One that I will never forget. ❤
I am genuinely still so surprised at how well I coped and I truly owe my experience to The Positive Birth Company. Without the coaching I received from the digital pack I am unsure if I would have managed to stay so calm, focussed and in control.
Thank you! 💖

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