Birth story - Natasha and baby girl

**Possible trigger** use of the word contraction as its not negative to me.

My birth story:
For years after my first daughter's birth I felt so much guilt and blamed myself for how the birth went and how much of it I dont remember. It was quite traumatic and I blamed myself for having the epidural and how my daughter responded to it. It took me a while to heal over her birth and I was determined to change my aspect on birth and not to look at it as negative but no matter what happened it was positive in its on way. With this pregnancy I used the positive birth company and did their hypnobirthing course and alot of things made sense and I learnt alot. I read so many positive birth stories and learnt that we tend to always remember the negative experiences and see labour in a painful and traumatic way.

Let me share my story:

Tuesday 12th May
I was in bed around 10am and heard a pop inside of me and quickly went to the toilet. I lost my mucus plug and some waters were coming out. I put a pad on to make sure they were clear. I immediately started to feel pain and I realised I needed to quickly take action. My husband was at work. I text him and told him to be ready as I was in labour. He asked if he should cancel shifts and I told him to wait as I had been having contractions on and off for days.

I went downstairs and made my daughter some breakfast and sorted her out. Still breathing through my contractions. I called my sister at 10.30 to alert her incase she needed to pick my daughter up. I went upstairs and made sure my daughter's bag was ready. I got myself a change of clothes and at this point the contractions were coming strong. I decided to time them with the Freya App and it immediately told me I was in established labour with contractions every 2 mins. I called my husband at 11am and said come home and cancel all work. I called my sister at 11.11am and told her to pick my daughter up. I got my daughter ready and continued breathing through contractions. My sister got to us at 12pm and by this point I had to stop through contractions and couldn’t talk. My daughter left and I changed my night dress and managed to put my top on. I was on my birthing ball.

My husband came in around 12.15 and I was really breathing and couldn’t talk at this point. I managed to say to him, ‘call labour ward now.’ He asked me if he could have a shower first. I gave him a look and he knew I meant business. Hahahah. He quickly called labour ward and the midwife spoke to me and I just about managed to talk to her. She asked my husband to call an ambulance as she knew I was near. It was 12.45, I went to the bathroom and vomited at this point. She was still on the phone to me and reassuring me.

The ambulance operator asked to speak to me and I could barely speak at this point. My waters went all over the floor and the guy asked my husband to check if the waters were clear. I had to remove my pants off at this point which was such an effort with contractions coming thick and fast. He said the ambulance was nearly at the house. My husband went to check and saw two male paramedics. He came to bathroom and said they are two males shall we cover you up. I gave him a glare and shouted "I don’t care I am in labour so stop asking silly questions. The contractions were so intense at this point and I kept thinking I cant do this, hello transition. The midwife on the phone said she had also sent out a community midwife as well and that she would hang up. Then the two men came into bathroom all kitted up and looking like astronauts in white suits. The youngest one asked me if I could sit on a chair and he would wheel me out which I just about managed.

I was in the ambulance by 1pm and the community midwife arrived. She came and checked me and said I was 7cm. She debated if we should go or wait and deliver in the ambulance. At this point I could feel my body bearing down. It was like my whole body took over. I was given gas and air by the young paramedic and it was bliss. The community midwife decided we should go and I was blue lighted to the hospital. My husband followed. I prayed he would make it in time. The paramedic was by my ear and encouraging me and it made so much of a difference and is something I will always remember. He was so positive and it was what I needed.

We got to hospital and I could feel her coming. I was rushed into the labour ward and transferred to the bed on all fours. I started to push. The community midwife told the midwife at labour ward that she would stay with me. Baby girls' heartbeat was going down while I was in this position so the midwife asked me to turn on my left side.

I saw my husband at this point and quickly asked him to video call my mum who lives in America and couldn’t be here due to the pandemic. And he also added his mum who lives in Mauritius to the call. I pushed twice and then the midwife told me to breath only and I remember feeling so in control, so calm and felt her coming out slowly. In my birth plan I didn’t want coached pushing but the midwife was so lovely and knew what she was doing. In the short time I had met her I trusted her completely. My daughter was placed on my chest within minutes and it was so amazing. I thought to myself. I did it.


3hrs and 45 mins from first contraction and she was born. 1.45pm. We were home by 11pm that night.It was the best feeling ever and I felt so empowered. And my mum and husbands mum also witnessed her being born. My daughter was so calm and the room was just full of positivity. The young paramedic was also there, by the way, he asked me if he could witness the birth and I agreed. Before he left he thanked me and said the experience was amazing for him to watch and how I was so calm was amazing. The community midwife, who helped me deliver, was also amazing from when we were in ambulance until she left us after baby was born, she was just amazing.


I am still in awe of myself and I wanted to share my story to encourage other ladies who have fear of birth and also to encourage us women to see our birth stories as positive no matter how they go. Both of my birth experiences were different but both positive in their own ways. Thank you for reading.

Thank you to the Positive Birth Company for all the tools that equipped me especially the breathing. It really does make a difference ladies. Good luck to all the ladies giving birth soon.



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