Birth story - Fendi and baby boy
I had a propess induction on Wednesday 24th, (10 days over ‘due date’ at this point) had the propess put in and went home for 24 hours for it to take course. I arrived back at the hospital at 2pm on the Thursday, I was 3cm dilated and my cervix was softening. We decided to keep the propess in for an extra 6 hours. Once propess was removed I was about 4cm dilated. I stayed in the induction suite watching tv and listening to mp3s to relax with some chamomile oil in my diffuser and bouncing on a birthing ball. There was only one birthing pool on the delivery suite which the midwives kept free for me as they knew how much I wanted to use the pool.
Finally I went through to the room I would birth in, my partner set up my diffuser and put on my playlist. I sat on the birth ball whilst the midwife put the monitor on, I was so glad I could remain active despite needing the constant monitoring. At around 3.30am I had my waters broken to get things started. Surges became stronger, I used up breathing and felt in control and really excited. When I was finally 5-6cm dilated the midwife started filling up the pool. I was so excited for this bit, myself and my other half got in, I lay back supported by my OH rubbing my back. I used up breathing and felt so relaxed and in control. As the intensity of surges built I used gas and air and focused on my breathing. Baby was back to back so I had a really strong sensation in my back, I just kept telling myself my surges are not stronger than me because they are me. At around 9am i started using down breathing as baby was moving further and further down. Lots of deep quick breathing and I could feel him, I was absolutely ecstatic and could not wait to meet him. He arrived at 9.54am, weighing 9lb 7oz.
I had loads of skin to skin and delayed cord clamping. I’m so happy that I used this course during my pregnancy (from about 30 weeks). I gained so much knowledge and loved understanding what was happening throughout my labour. I was able to breathe my baby down into the pool just as I dreamed of doing! I keep day dreaming about my labour, I would love to do it all again in a heart beat. The most amazing feeling having my little boy in my arms
It is absolutely amazing that the positive birth company is available, as the hospital hypnobirthing course was absolutely out of my price range. And I loved having all the clips and mp3s on my phone to watch over. I am very greatful for the knowledge I gained and for the beautiful empowering birth I was able to have💙💙💙💙
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