Birth story - Mum and baby

**Possible Triggers** There are a number of possible triggers in this - baby loss, caesarean, special care.

My pregnancy began in June 2019 when we were told we were having twins. We were both over the moon as my partner is a twin and the incredible bond he has with his was something we knew would be magical in ours. At the 12 week scan we then found out the devastating news that there was now only one baby remaining. We were both devastated but tried to remain positive and grateful that we were still going to be parents knowing so many couldn’t. Following this news I struggled with every scan and consultant appointment thinking that we would again be told the worst news and I found it difficult to enjoy my pregnancy. Friends would ask me if I was excited and honest be told I wasn’t. I was so worried that something would happen and our baby boy would be taken from us.

Towards the end of my pregnancy around 30 weeks I knew something had to change and a friend told me about hypnobirthing. I found the Positive Birth Company and purchased the package straight away. I knew I needed to take back some control and needed to own the remainder of my pregnancy and try and enjoy it. From the minute I purchased the package I began listening and was hooked. My partner became involved and he was completely on board with supporting me. I finally felt excited and in control of my up coming birth, not fearing it anymore. We wrote my birth plan together and I was desperate for a water birth in the midwife led unit.

My waters broke on the Tuesday, early hours so we called the birth centre. They told us to go in and be checked. On arriving they confirmed my waters had gone but I was having no contractions so they advised us to go home. They said I had 24 hours to go into active labour or they would induce me (which I really didn’t want to happen). That same day my contractions came thick and fast and I used Freya app to measure them. We returned to the MLU and they told me I was 5cm dilated so would be staying. I was over the moon. My partner put our playlist on, set the candles out and sprayed the room with my yoga spray and the midwives filled the pool for me.

I laboured with gas and air for a number of hours in the pool and on being examined again I was told the dreaded news that I wasn’t progressing any further and there was a risk of infection so had to be moved to the labour suite. I was clearly upset but we used BRAIN and used my breathing I had learnt throughout. I was so focused and calm and felt completely in control of what was happening.

Fast forward a number of hours and I still did not progress any further and my babies heart rate began dropping on my contractions. They believed he was stuck in my cervix so I was told they would have to do a caesarean. Again I used my breathing and was relieved that they would in fact be helping to birth my baby safely and we both knew this was the right thing.

Once the C section began we were both so excited to meet our baby boy but as time went on I knew something wasn’t right. I saw my partner look to his right and knew that our boy was out but I heard nothing. No cry. I breathed and focused but then heard a call out for a paediatric team to theatre. I asked my partner if this was for us and he said yes. At this point people rushed in from everywhere, the midwife told me that our baby wasn’t breathing and they were resuscitating him. Again I don’t know how but I breathed and focused and stayed calm. I then heard the faintest littlest cry. He was breathing.

He was rushed to special care as they were concerned it was sepsis so my partner went with him (which we had already agreed in the birth plan).

Even though I was on my own I just felt in control and continued to think positively and knew that my baby boy was in the right place to help him.

The midwives, doctors and surgical staff all commented on how calm and well I had done throughout the whole labour and I told them it was thanks to you and hypnobirthing!!

I just wanted to thank you and share my story, I know there is sadness in it but we have our baby boy and we are so grateful that there was a happy ending with a healthy 6lb 6oz baby. He was in special care for 4 days but is now absolutely perfect.

Thank you again. I can’t imagine how I would have reacted throughout the whole thing without my training I had done with the PBC.


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