Birth story - Maddy and baby William

Well little wild Bill must have been comfy in there as our due date came and went!

I always wanted a natural birth, no drugs, minimal intervention and had my mind set on no induction!

As the days ticked by past 40 weeks, we spoke with our MW and weighed up the risks associated with going overdue. Me, being a worrier, had stillbirth concerns in the back of my mind and knew going over too far, I would just be at home (we live on a farm out of town approx 40mins) worrying as the days went by. But being induced scared me.

At 40+2 I had my first stretch and sweep. Not painful at all, I was 1cm dilated and experienced some light pinky discharge and cramps. Then nothing the next day.

40+5 I had another stretch and sweep and I was 1cm, but despite my best efforts driving a buggy around the paddock and bouncing on bumpy roads…no go. Induction booked for 41 weeks. I was told I could always decide against it on the day but was booked in anyway. I had a date! I was so nervous as I had heard horror stories about inductions going 0-100 (my poor sister had a shocker) and really wanted to go naturally.

Curb walking on posts on the ground, walking several km a day, spicy food, sex, pineapple, dates, raspberry leaf tea.. gosh u name it I tried it!

41 weeks we went in and I was 2cm. I was ready mentally to be induced as I just wanted to meet my baby! Being afternoon they only break waters in the morn so I was sent home to rest up and enjoy our last nights sleep!

We headed in 6am and we set up in a beautiful little birth suite. MW talked us through our choices/fears and at at 7:01am my waters were broken. A pop sound, small gush of water and that was it!

The doc wanted to start my oxy drip within the hour but I negotiated to let me go to 10am then review. I wanted to see what my body could do on its own.

Almost immediately I experienced cramping which over the next 3 hrs progressed to contractions 3/4 in 10mins. They were happy with my progression but I was still smiling so they said my contractions weren’t intense enough!

They talked me through the oxy drip and calmed my fears of going 0-100.

Started on 1ml/hr at 10:30am on the drip and I affectionately named my IV Stand Ivan.

Contractions soon intensified and I really got into my hypnobirthing breathing, in for 4 out for 8 breathing. I was on a ball leaning back against hubby who was on a couch for quite a while.

I think giving my body those 3 hrs to be like “this is what’s happening, we are going to have a baby now” really got the ball rolling so that when I got the oxy drip, the resulting contractions weren’t a shock to my body or mind.

They dialled me up to 2ml/hr By 1pm I was 4cm, but then dialled me back as they felt I could progress with minimal. By 3pm I was 6cm.

I can’t remember much in between, I was in such a trance with my breathing. Hubby was amazing support guiding my breathing and talking me through contractions. MW Offered me gas, I had one puff and threw it. Tasted terrible and I couldn’t do my breathing properly.

She suggested a shower and the hot water was amazing but not long lived as they kept loosing bubs heart rate on the belly monitors. They suggested the heart monitor clip that is attached to bubs scalp. Once that was on, I moved between the ball and swaying.

Come 5:30/6pm, “we have entered grizzly bear territory” as my hubby put it. I started low roaring growling primal grunting -I don’t know what it was but I was 10cm!

MW told me if I felt the urge to push, to push. Comfiest position was up over the back of the bed kneeling and hot packs on my lower back.

Just noting here that vocalising through grunting or low growling (pushing down with breath) is so much better than yelling! If I let out a scream the pain actually intensified! Grizzley roar for the win!

I pushed like that for a bit over 2hrs.

MW Suggested changing positions and guided pushing. On my back holding my knees up and out and being coached to push by MW with her holding mirror once we could see hair! This (being on back etc) went against what I’d read, (hypnobirthing) BUT go with what feels RIGHT. Seeing black hair was totally alien like but also so inspiring and spurred me on, ‘I can do it, he’s on his way!’ I thought.

Then bubs heart rate stated to drop and not recover between contractions. MW called in doc and discussed with us that over the next couple contractions, if it didn’t improve, they would have to assist. (Episiotomy/forceps/vacuum etc)

Hubby then said I had a contraction and then..nothing. 8minutes went past and hubby, doc and MW all looking at each other and I was out zzzzzz.

BUT bubs heart rate steadily rose and came back to normal! Then whammo, contractions hit again! Like my body knew to give him a breather and come good again!

Within 4 contractions with hubby hollering like he’s cheering on his footy team, he was here!

His his head popped out and to everyone’s surprise he was looking at the ceiling!!

Ooooohhhhh everyone exclaimed!

It’s a baby I squeeled! (Like what was I expecting?)

Posterior baby/ Sunny side up/spine to spine! No wonder he took so long pushing and why my back hurt so bad!!

One more push and 8:37pm William Josef was earth side!

We Delayed cord clamping while he just squeaked and made sucking noises on my chest before making it to a nipple. So incredible!

2nd degree tear required 2 internal and 2 external stitches. Lost 1L of blood but all in all was feeling fantastic and like Wonder Woman! Spent another night in and then we were on our way home. So good to get home into a routine and our familiar surroundings.

Also, just wanting to highlight here that tongue, lip and cheek ties are REAL! I was having trouble getting a good latch and my nipples were being shredded. The hospital lactation consultant said he had no ties, I was just feeding him wrong.. hrmmm. Knowing what friends had gone through I made an app with a private lactation consultant and yep. Diagnosed with all 4 ties. Bub had laser surgery at 4 weeks old and the difference was incredible. He could actually open his mouth, get a good latch and wasn’t as windy. I’ve had friends have paediatric docs in private hospitals tell them there is no such thing as tongue ties and that it’s just a “fad”. I’m here to tell mums if he’s not feeding right, get checked or get a second opinion! So glad I had heads up before hand on this.

So all in all, inductions aren’t something to be feared.

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