Birth story - Amona and baby Adam
It was the day before my 40 weeks appointment. I spent the morning feeling a mix of anxious, bored, annoyed, worried and impatient. I'd had mild contractions during previous days and was hoping everyday that I would finally meet my son. But that Sunday I suddenly questioned it all. Would we have to go into week 41 or even 42? Would the hospital suggest that I get induced (again)? Was everything ok with little one? What if something was wrong?.... So in general the mood that morning was not good at all, I was losing hope.
At around 2:30pm contractions started and progressed very quickly, I was very confused and didn't believe this was the real deal. We called an auntie to check if she was ready to pick up our 3yr old daughter later, "just in case I would go into labour"...she said yes. 10 minutes we called her again to please come pick her up. The contractions came more frequent and became more intense. Was that false alarm? Or was it really happening? Soon after, every contraction brought me to my knees.
We called the hospital and they told us to come in. So we got ready asap (thank god my partner was around the whole time), and called an Uber. It was a few minutes past 4pm and the Uber showed 23 minutes to the hospital. I thought "no problem, we've got enough time". In the backseat of the car with my partner and the car seat between us annoying me (haha) the contractions got even stronger. We were blessed to have a wonderful female driver, who kept her cool and told me everything was going to be fine, and that she was a nurse as well (what are the odds?!)
10 minutes into our ride I couldn't sit anymore. I changed to be on my knees, facing out of the back of the car. I was roaring like a tiger and the pressure and pain downwards became stronger. Probably about 15minutes in, my water broke. We did bring a huge beach towel that I was kneeling on thankfully, but the car got a bit messy anyway :)
4 minutes before planned arrival I felt THAT contraction and the babies head in my hand, he was coming. I was screaming because I couldn't believe what was happening and what me and my baby were about to achieve. My partner next to me was rubbing my back and told me all would be ok. I got calmer and I knew with the next wave, my baby would be born.
2 minutes before arriving in front of the hospital, my baby was born into my arms, at the backseat of the Uber. It was incredible. He was crying and I held him close. As we arrived at the hospital, staff came running to us and brought a bed.
We said thank yous and goodbyes to our amazing driver, and I was rolled in via A&E entrance for a first check, still holding the baby tight to my chest, covered in a blanket. People on the street were amazed and shouted "congrats" and "well done".
On arrival at A&E, the staff realised that we were all pretty good and said we were ok to go straight up to the birth centre (where I had planned to give birth in a pool, oh well :) ).
Just in that moment, my partner handed his phone to a doctor, got down on one knee and proposed to me with the most beautiful ring. It was such a wholesome moment, very emotional! A day I will never forget. Adam was born on the day of his grandfather's death anniversary. We believe he planned this all along, and gave him his grandad's name as well, so he is now Adam Joseph. I'm so proud of myself and my son and this magical birth. Nothing I had planned or ever imagined, but I wouldn't want it any other way!

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