Birth story - Lou and baby Percy
Firstly I was offered a sweep at 40+1 but said no thank you and i don''t want to be asked again. My midwife was amazing and said we will be led by you which put me at ease.
So at 40+2 at 2:30 I started to have tummy aches. I went to get a hot water bottle as didn’t want to wake my hubby as I had thought I was going into labour 3 days earlier but it was just a poo (whoops). So then when I did a big poo I thought thank god I didn’t wake him however the pain got more intense so at 4am I had a bath which helped. I got out after 30 minutes deciding to use my TENS which of course was in the car. I got some food and thought id try to sleep on the sofa.
Hubby woke and I told him how I was feeling he was quite sceptical and said he would probably go to work and walk the dog. When he was out with the dog surges were getting intense. I phoned him and said ‘I don’t want you to go to work and I want you home now’. He was more believing now and we were having around 2 surges in 10 minutes so he phoned the hospital who said have a bath and call when I was 3 in 10 lasting a minute. I had a very long shower and bath which slowed things down which helped. I was getting a little overwhelmed by the experience but James my husband went through everything we learnt which was helpful.
I stayed at home doing up breathing which James was counting for me. At around 10 it was getting very intense so James phoned as my surges were 3 in 10 lasting over a minute. They told us we could go straight to the MLU. Got there and took my sweet time attempting to get across the car park. I pretty much had my bum out the whole time as my dress was not the best choice.
The AMAZING midwife examined me and I was 6-7 cm dilated and she said how well I had done getting that far. I asked if we could get the pool on the go and the gas and air. All through this James was counting my breathing.
Now i’m not going to lie there were times I begged for the drugs and at this point the birthing affirmations came on the speaker as well as James telling me how amazing I was and Karen telling me how well I was progressing. I refused examinations as I said he's only coming out 1 way and it takes as long as it takes.
Karen said she would leave the room as she believed the head would come if it were just Jim and I. The woman is a genius as then the head started to come. There was a slight issue as his hand was up on his head so needed a little more concentration. It was actually fine when the pushing started this was actually a good focus. He then came out with no issues. I cried instantly!
Karen said the placenta was still quite high and offered to cut the cord sooner. I said no and she was amazing. I ended up with a retained placenta even after the injection. I was transferred to hospital by some lovely paramedics. The midwife had changed to Marlaine who again was very relaxed. They were talking about Surgery that I desperately didn’t want. When we got to the hospital the doctor was with another patient. Marlaine said she wanted to give it one last go and after blowing in a bottle with some manipulation the placenta came. Apparently I had a rare condition which meant there were extra bits attached to the placenta . I just had a bit of lidocane for the stiches all was fine.
So at the end of all this we had a beautiful baby boy Percy James born at 15:24 after 6 hours of labour. This was such an amazing course and reading all the stories was really helpful.
I wish all the mummies to be lots of love xxxx

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