Birth story - Leanne and baby Reuben
I wanted to share my birth story in the hope that it will help other women whose ‘plan’ doesn’t quite work out to know that they can still have an amazing experience.
Inspired by the incredible book by the positive birth company, I decided that I wanted to have a home birth for my second delivery. However this plan came to a halt at 37 weeks when I was diagnosed with cholestasis. Despite this news, I was able to maintain a positive mindset and knew that I was in control of ensuring I still had a brilliant labour and delivery.
I went into hospital for induction at 39+1 following a sweep the week before. Fortunately I was nice and ready so had my waters broken, and then was able to go and spend some time with my husband walking around the hospital and grounds to see if my surges started naturally. They did, but they were few and far between. Due to baby having to be continually monitored and me being unable to move around we decided to start the oxytocin drip at 16:30. My surges got going quickly but I was able to up-breathe through them. As the intensity increased I knew that retaining control during the breathing was going to be absolutely essential. Very intense surges followed and upon examination the midwife said that I was 3/4cm. This gave me a knock as I wondered how long I could tolerate the intensity for. I decided to use some gas and air, and considered asking for an epidural, however after two more surges everything shifted and my body began pushing! The midwives who were in the middle of swapping shifts could not believe it! I quickly made the shift to down breathing, my body did the pushing and baby Reuben George was born within about 5 minutes. It was absolutely unbelievably incredible!
I was so inspired by the positive birth company and all the stories I’d read, and think it’s really important that we learn to maintain our positivity when plans change. I did initially feel sad about not being able to have a home birth, but switched that round as quickly as I could and now feel blessed to have had such an incredible birth, supported by the most amazing husband and midwives!
Thank you so much to Siobhan and everyone at The Positive Birth Company. This education should be compulsory!

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