Birth story - Gemma and baby Daisy


I’ve never got around to writing my birth story, as it’s now fast approaching 4 months it’s got me wanting to share my amazing journey ♥️

I started hypnobirthing at around 16 weeks, I had no idea how it would impact my mindset all the way up to and past birth. I had the mindset quotes in every room of our house, my husband and I watched the hypnobirthing videos many times a week and I read the hypnobirthing book twice through pregnancy. It made me feel so prepared and calm, especially as I am over thinker of everything.

My pregnancy went well, although I was monitored closely as my baby girl was always measuring small. Her growth was monitored for the last 5 months of pregnancy. My show appeared nearly 2 weeks before my labour began, exactly like what hypnobirthing stated!

Day before Due date - I woke up as usual but felt period like cramps throughout the morning, went to my parents house where the cramping started taking my breath away! I continued through the day until my husband got home at 7pm and we phoned the hosptial who were very supportive and told me to stay home on my birthing ball and have a relaxing bath. I continued at home until 9pm, where my contractions were coming in 4 times in 10 minutes, I knew from my hypnobirthing this was the right time to make a decision to go to hospital.

Bags all packed, I went into hospital at 9pm, it was incredibly quiet and all of the beds on the antenatal ward were empty. I settled in and agreed to an examination and was measured as 4cm. Amazing, my husband could come join me in our water birthing room. I only took gas and air as the contractions were manageable. After another couple of hours, I agreed to another examination, I didn't feel pressured or concerned about being examined and it found I had only progressed another centimetre so I agreed to my waters to be broken.

By 1am the contractions were coming in quicker and much stronger so I agreed to pethidine to take the edge off and continuing to take gas and air. By 3am I had started the transition and I remembered this from hypnobirthing it is true what they say, I did start to moo! I knew my body was ready to push my baby girl out. After an hour of pushing and a cut down below with stitches my baby girl was born at 3.47am, on her due date, weighing 7lbs 7oz! I never even ventured into the birthing pool, the bouncing ball using UFO was my favourite position!

Baby was immediately put onto my chest, we waited for delayed cord clamping before my husband cut it and I agreed to the injection to help my placenta along.

There are many things I took from hypnobirthing but most of all I believed I could birth my baby as my body knew exactly what to do. I have never felt so proud of myself as a woman and it still makes me smile daily that I birthed our perfect Daisy. 💓

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