
Being a third time mum, I had already experienced two very different births which were both beautiful in their own way but there were aspects that I felt I wanted to change for my next birth. Ideally, I wanted a water birth. This didn’t happen but purely because the pool was already taken and not because ‘I was not allowed’ Having had Gestational Diabetes in my second pregnancy I was well aquatinted with this phrase and was determined to not let it hang over my head this time.

I can’t tell you how much PBC helped me to stay calm after being diagnosed with GD a second time at 18 weeks. I practiced the daily affirmations and watched the videos from about 20 weeks and through every decision I was able to remain calm and look at things objectively (something I don’t find east after a lifetime of suffering from anxiety and health anxiety!) it helped me to stay focussed and positive and I would say that it was so much more than just the birth that it helped me with.

Leading up to the birth, I had extra scans due to GD and consultant appointments. I was very lucky to have a supportive team but found the BRAIN acronym very useful when making decisions about my birth. I felt very listened to. For example, I wanted to be left alone as long as possible to go into labour naturally so when I had my final scan Xmas eve the ladies booking were very surprised that I wanted to be left for the last minute. I also stipulated that I didn’t want to be cannulated this time as I have a fear of needles in veins. I did however state that if at any point it was deemed necessary I would of course have a conversation. I felt very empowered making these choices and listened to.

I can’t tell you how tired and fed up I was approaching due date with a just turned 3 and 5 year old and attempting to home school in lockdown!! I definitely wanted baby out and started to obsess and slip into anxious ways! This is where the videos, relaxation and affirmations were invaluable to me. I was able to stay focused and actually start to enjoy the excitement of small changes.

I had been having Braxton Hicks regularly throughout the third trimester but noticed in the final few weeks they were getting more powerful. On the Sunday I began to lose bits of my mucus plug but remained as calm as I could and carried on. My surges were very irregular at that point.

By Wednesday I was 40+2 and still losing bits of plug and getting surges irregularly. I was able to carry on though and had a midwife appointment that day. I was starting to feel anxious about induction looming as it wasn’t what I wanted at all and I guess I put pressure on myself. When I visited the midwife I asked her to examine me just so I could calm down a bit (with my second child I was induced due to GDM and as I was already dilated they broke my waters) I was keen to know if they would do this as I didn’t want to leave my big babies for days (ironically as it turned out I enjoyed my rest in hospital and was miffed to be turfed out so early!!) Unfortunately she said she couldn’t examine me without sweeping me. Luckily I watched the video about sweeps and decided to weigh it up as in my previous two births I had loads but nothing happened. I decided that me worrying and obsessing about induction would do more damage than a sweep which might just calm me down enough to get things going. I had the sweep and she told me that they would definitely be able to break waters at induction if needed and that everything had thinned and moved nicely. The only thing was babies head was not engaged well. Typically being me I looked up my bishops score and started to worry we were a ‘5’ which Dr google said wasn’t great! Luckily it was PBC to the rescue again and I relaxed, watched the videos and had a bath (older two permitting, infact I think they got in!!)

Throughout the afternoon I had immense pressure in my bottom and kept ringing my poor dad telling him I wanted a poo but couldn’t.

My surges started to become more painful but manageable so I cooked dinner and played with kids etc. I put them to bed about 6.30 and started my relaxations. Out of interest I began to use Freya just to see what they were doing and the surges were every 10 mins but strong. I decided to look at some pics on my phone, of my children and happy times we had, to get the oxytocin flowing. Quickly, they started to ramp up and by 8 something I was ringing the hospital and they told me to come in as it sounded as though I was in labour! I was in utter disbelief at this point but called my parents and went in.

We got to hospital at 9 something and I was examined and everything had moved and thinned and I was 3cm. The midwife let hubby stay as thought it would be quick. I had gas and air and had music and affirmations playing and concentrated on up breathing through each surge.


From 4 cm he was out in 1 hr 27 mins. His head was high up but once my waters broke he was out in 18 mins.

I strongly recommend practicing down breathing when you poop as it really helped me!! I was UFO throughout as wireless monitoring was something I campaigned for. I wasn’t cannulated and it wasn’t needed. I did have a 2nd degree year but didn’t notice to be honest as the cord was around his neck so I had to get him out quickly. For this reason we couldn’t delay cord clamping as he needed a rub down to get him going.


Thank you PBC I felt so empowered by your course it was like you were with me every step of the way. Would strongly recommend especially in the days leading up it was a saviour! So happy with our little bundle.

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