Birth story - Lauren and baby Kenji

*Trigger warning* - use of word contraction (not negative to me), 2nd degree tear, previous C section.

The PBC had helped so much with the first pregnancy & birth experience I was confident to use the skills again. I didn’t have/make as much time to go through PBC this time, but still remembered lots from first time round. I listened to affirmations & went through birth plan with my husband.

First pregnancy & birth summary:

Low risk, easy pregnancy.

I refused induction at 41+5; went into spontaneous labour at 41+6 & had waters broken due to a concern with the trace on baby during contractions- there was lots of meconium & so I had an emergency c section - but we were both totally fine & were discharged from hospital after 24hrs of observations. (Baby boy; 9lb 11oz)

2nd pregnancy & birth story:

Another low risk, easy pregnancy, but without the naps because of a toddler & full time work! I didn’t have any nausea this time round in first trimester either!

I was fully anticipating this baby to be as late as the first, so even though my due date was 29th October- I had set 10th November in my head as my own ‘EDD’.

Due to my 1st pregnancy ending in an emergency c section with a ‘post dates’ ‘big’ baby- I had to have a growth scan & appointments with the birthing options team. Growth had been tracking 50% so all was good there & as it had been over 2 years since my c section the Dr was happy to refer me back to midwife team so I could attempt my MLU VBAC!

As expected my due date came & went with no excitement except an unsuccessful sweep at my midwife appointment (midwife couldn’t even reach my cervix ) & a nice relaxing swim at the gym!

I had lots of Braxton Hicks with this pregnancy, despite none in my first, so when I had a few strong contractions during the first week of November I thought nothing much of it & knew my body was getting ready.

I had several conversations with friends on Thursday 4th about how I thought baby wanted to stay in until December & that I felt so relaxed & didn’t think baby was coming anytime soon & about how confident I felt to refuse the post dates induction again… I bounced on the swiss ball & watched Princess Bride.

Cue bed time (around 10pm) went to bed as normal, fell asleep & was woken around 11.15pm by a contraction (my husband was still reading). I told him I’d had a contraction, but that I planned to stay in bed & see where we are in the morning.

15 minutes later I had another contraction & needed to go for a wee (I now know that my waters went at this point but didn’t at the time- I was told I wouldn’t have a gush of waters at my final growth scan)

Subsequently the contractions started coming much quicker, stronger & lasting longer- so I switched on the Freya app; after 10 minutes Freya said I was in established labour.

At midnight I decided it was time to call my mum to come over to potentially babysit/look after our 2 year old.

After organising that I rang the hospital, just to let them know, but told them that I was happy to stay at home.

Mum arrived at 00.30 just as my husband was making me a hot water bottle for my back.

The contractions continued to ramp up, I put the dress on that I’d laboured in with our first, and spent most of the time on all 4s on the bed. I threw up at about 1am; luckily my husband was quick with the bin!

I eventually knelt on the floor at the end of the bed, when there was hardly a gap between contractions- I had no idea about time at this point.

At some point my husband said we’re going to go in (to hospital) now, I’m calling them- I think I just said ‘OK’- I was in the zone.

I got downstairs, put shoes on & managed to get into the car, the car clock said 2.37am

My husband drove to the hospital; I don’t really remember the journey I just know that there wasn’t any gap between contractions (again I now know that I had transitioned but didn’t know at the time)

We got to the hospital at 2.53am, I got into a wheelchair to go up to MLU; but knelt on it & had my head & hands on the top of the back of the chair. I was making all kinds of funny noises and things felt different, again I now know that I was pushing, but didn’t at the time!

I got to MLU & was wheeled into a private room with a pool that they had run for me, with tea lights, but there was no time for that!

The midwife, and the student midwife & my husband helped me off the chair onto the floor- where they had put some pillows & towels & I continued to breathe & let my body do it’s thing…

There was no time to get in the pool!

They took the hot water bottle off my back & got my dress off…

He was born at 3.05am, my husband passed him through my legs to me.

I then had to get up on the bed for them to check me over & I had the injection to deliver the placenta. I had a 2nd degree tear which I then had some gas & air for while the midwife sutured it up. Then they left my husband & I to have skin to skin & alone time with our new son

We were discharged 6 hours later, and we were home by lunchtime! My older son was at nursery so we had a few hours to settle in & then he got to meet his little brother when he got home.

I am so pleased that I got my VBAC that I had dreamed of & couldn’t believe that we were home within 12 hours of contractions starting.

The PBC definitely gave me the confidence at each stage of this pregnancy to keep enforcing my VBAC plan that I knew my body was capable of but also to be open minded if it wasn’t going to go that way.

To all those that have had a c section & want the experience of a vaginal birth- you can do it!

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