Birth story - Nicki and baby Amelie

*Trigger warning* - use of the word contraction

Amelie was born on her due date of May 1st. I was having quite bad contractions on Friday night after having lost my mucus plug on Wednesday and I experienced period type pains the next two nights after that. On Friday they kicked up and notch and the contractions were pretty consistent over night but still quite far apart.

I woke on Saturday morning at 5.30am and got into the bath which really helped. I practiced breathing throughout the contractions and used the Freya app which I’d recommend to other mamas to use as a tool. As we got towards midday they were getting worse so I had another bath and wrapped a warm towel over my bump.

At 3pm they were getting closer together and I continued to breath through them. I rang triage and they said to come in as I wanted stronger pain relief. As soon as we got there my contractions began to get closer together and the midwife examined me and I was 7cm!!!! I couldn’t believe it.

I was taken to the Midwife led suite and quickly started to transition. The gas and air helped with my breathing. I eventually managed to get into the birthing pool and my contractions began to become more intense now. I continued to breath and my body pushed for me. I just listened and rested between contractions in the water. The midwife, Kate, was so calm and let my body do what it needed to do. After only three hours our baby girl appeared and was healthy and happy. Despite concerns over her being tiny due to my bump size she was a healthy 8lbs 4oz!

Labour was tough but if I can do it you all can! I had a bad tear which they thought was 3rd degree so I had to go into theatre for a spinal block and I was nervous but it wasn’t as bad as I thought and the team were amazing with me. I couldn’t really feel pain down there at the time so try not to worry about tearing. Luckily the tear was only 2nd degree and they patched me up. I am honestly amazed at how my body coped and how it knew what to do. I had no pain relief and managed to push her out through breathing and resting.

Overall labour was a very positive and an amazing experience that myself and her Daddy shared together. Once she arrived all the hard work faded away and we soon settled into a family of 3.

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