Birth story - Emma and baby Francesco

⭐️My birth story ⭐️
I started reading the positive birth company’s book when I was about 24 weeks pregnant. I knew that if I didn’t get a control on my mindset a fear of birth would overcome me. I couldn’t put the book down and finished it in a few days. All I knew about birth was that it was supposed to hurt and it’s just something you have to get through.

The book helped me to realise that birth doesn’t have to be painful and it should be a positive experience.
I asked my husband to read it too and we read it out loud to each other every evening over a couple of weeks. It felt so great knowing that he knew what was happening too and was prepared. I was actually excited for labour to start!

The day after sweep number 2 I went out shopping to keep my mind distracted. Whilst out I started to get some period pains. I was 2 weeks overdue and didn’t believe this was it so I carried on shopping.
My husband and I had planned to go out for dinner that evening so we did. I remember I was sitting across the table from him scrunching my face every few minutes. I still didn’t believe this was it so I started timing the cramps using the Freya app. By the time I got home the cramping was getting more regular and intense.

I used the up breathing technique through the surges and lavender oil on a handkerchief. I was so calm and even more excited that this was finally it! In between surges I started to get all of my bits together.
The app advised we phoned the hospital so we did and the midwife said to call back in a bit. I listened to my body and I felt like I was progressing quickly so we decided to head to the hospital. Once there the midwife examined me and I was 4cm dilated.

We headed up to the birthing centre at midnight where my husband really came into his own. He set up the music, the tea lights, the oil diffuser and made the room comfortable. I tried the gas and air but It made me feel sick. We used a tens machine and I found it really helped! Things progressed quickly and by 2am it was time to get into the pool! I remained focussed and concentrated on my breathing throughout. By 4am my baby was here.


It was genuinely the best experience of my life. I look back on that day with such fondness and even writing this now it fills me with such a warm and fuzzy feeling. Education = empowerment. The book was right, birth can be positive ⭐️

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