Birth story - Hannah and baby Owen
*Trigger warnings* - use of the word contractions
I’m so grateful for the PBC community. I very much wanted an unmedicated birth, and thanks to the PBC hypnobirthing course and all of the positive birth stories, I did it!
I attempted an unmedicated birth with my first, however, I was unprepared and just didn’t have the right tools to do it. After 8 hrs laboring on pitocin, I ended up having an epidural. 17 hrs later my son was born! It was a LONG process, and not what I had envisioned.
I was introduced to hypnobirthing by my hairstylist who swore by it. After I became pregnant with my 2nd, I started to do a ton of research and came across the online hypnobirthing course through PBC. My husband and I completed the course, and I listened to the mp3s almost every night before bed (around wk 28 and on). I also listened to tons of podcasts that focused on positive birth stories and education ... The Positive Birth Story podcast, the Pregnancy Podcast and The Birth Hour podcast, all highly recommended! And, I religiously read the posts on the PBC Facebook group.
At my 38 wk doctor appointment, I was offered a VE. Using BRAIN I declined the exam, and was really wanting things to progress uninterrupted and as naturally as possible.
The day before my due date I had a pretty busy day. I worked from home all day. I picked up my son from daycare and ran to the grocery store. While I was out with my son I started noticing light period-like cramps. This was around 3pm, and they were coming every 20 min or so. I didn’t think much of it, but also started to get excited... wondering if this was really it?!
Later that night, my husband made a beautiful dinner. I did my son’s evening routine- bath time, books and off to bed. During this time the cramps were now more frequent- every 8-10 mins, and very manageable. After my son was in bed, I decided to tell my husband that I thought I was in labor. He was surprised and excited, and kept asking if I was sure.
I wanted to take a shower and do my hair/makeup. As I was drying my hair the contractions started coming more frequently and I was having to stop and lean on the counter. At this point I broke out the Freya app and my headphones. I was pretty shocked to see my contractions were consistently about 2-3 mins apart, and the app said I was already in established labor (9:30pm). I questioned what to do.. go to the hospital or stay home and labor longer. My husband wanted to go to the hospital- he desperately didn’t want me to have the baby at home - but I followed my instinct and waited a bit longer. Another hour went by and now I was really using my up breathing to get through the contractions. My husband put the TENS machine on my lower back. Each time a contraction started, I ramped up the TENS and this helped me redirect my mind’s focus from the contraction. Finally, around 10:45 pm I felt like it was time to go to the hospital. I called my mom who came over to stay with my son, while my husband loaded the car and got ready to go.
During the 25 min drive, I had my eyes closed, my headphones on, and my positive affirmations playing. I kept my eyes shut the whole way to the hospital, except once to yell at my husband to slow down!
We arrived around 11:15, and the parking lot was packed- we had to search for a parking spot. As I walked across the lot, I stopped for a contraction and my water broke!
Once inside the hospital, we were placed in a triage room, the nurses confirmed my water had broken and there were signs of meconium in the fluid. I was a little worried, but the nurses reassured me that everything was fine. I also accepted a vaginal exam and was at 4 cm. I felt proud and super excited to have made it this far! We were told the labor and delivery ward was very busy that night and they were waiting for a room to open up. (Not what a laboring mama wants to hear! ). I managed to stay calm by keeping my eyes shut, and my headphones in, focusing on my up breathing.
I labored in the tiny triage room for 2 hrs. I was mostly standing holding onto the edge of the bed, or swaying with the support of my husband. I threw up twice, but still remained calm. Focusing on my up breathing.
Finally we were admitted to a labor and delivery room with a midwife team. They asked to do another vaginal exam, but using my BRAIN, I declined. At this point I started to lose focus on my up breathing and instead focused more on these involuntary animalistic noises I was making. The midwife encouraged low, deep sounds. I stayed standing upright, leaning on the bed, swaying, and stamping my feet.
Finally I asked for a vaginal exam. Mentally I needed to know how I was progressing. I felt disappointed when I was told I was at 6cm. I wanted to be further along, and was starting to doubt if I could do it— looking back I was entering transition. However in the moment (and in my frustration) I yelled out “I JUST WANT TO MEET MY BABY!”
The contractions now felt like a tunnel, and in order to get through to the other side I had to really vocalize on deep, mooing sounds. After several of these contractions I told my husband I didn’t think I could keep going. I even asked the nurse what my pain management options were. She told me fentanyl... which I quickly declined... nitrous oxide, again I declined... or a hot shower. I said yes to the hot shower.
I was standing by the side of the bed, still with my eyes closed, vocalizing through contractions, while the nurse got the shower ready... when I suddenly turned to my husband and said I feel like I have to go #2, I have to push.
The care team heard me and expressed doubt that I was ready to push. I was just checked @ 6cm. I crawled onto the bed on all fours and involuntarily started to push. (It’s incredible that your body knows just what to do, and my body wanted to push!) The midwife checked me and confirmed, we were ready and having a baby. I went from 6cm to 10cm and ready to push in 12 minutes! It was unreal, and I was so relieved.
The midwife helped me from the all fours position to a side laying position. My husband supported my bent knee/leg that was in the air. I continued to follow what my body was telling me... push and breathe. As the baby’s head crowned, I was in between contractions, and felt the ring of fire. But just as I noticed that sensation, it went away with another push and the baby’s head was out. One more push and his little body wriggled out of me. Owen Scott was born at 2:19 am, on his due date!
I consented to a shot of pitocin to deliver my placenta, which came out soon after. I asked the midwife how I looked “down there” and to my complete shock, she said great— one small graze, but no stitches needed!
I opted for delayed cord clamping, but because there was meconium in my waters, they had my husband cut the cord right away. Owen was taken to a station at the side of my bed where the nurses checked to get all of the fluid out of his nose and mouth. He started crying and then was placed on my chest. He immediately latched and spent almost an hour breastfeeding, as my husband and I stared at him, enamored with our beautiful baby boy.
I was in a complete state of euphoria, and kept saying over and over “I can’t believe I did it!” I felt so strong and empowered. I had the birth experience I had worked so hard for, and attribute it all to preparation with hypnobirthing! It was pure magic and absolutely incredible!
To all the expecting mamas... you can do it. Follow your body’s lead. You are stronger than you know. You got this!

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