Birth story - Frances and baby Oscar
Unplanned cesarean
Obstetric Cholestasis/Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (OC/ICP)
*Trigger warning* - Use of word contractions (not negative for me)
I promised I'd write one of these after spending 3 days in hospital being induced and reading hundreds of your posts to keep me positive.
Cholestasis Diagnosis
At 34 weeks I realised I had been itching my hands, feet and legs at night a lot. My sister had cholestasis with both her 2 pregnancies so I thought it was best to get checked, knowing the signs. After a blood test it confirmed I did have cholestasis and I was called in to the hospital for checks and to discuss options of induction.
After using BRAIN we decided that an induction was the safest option for our babies arrival and we booked it in for 38 weeks +1 day. I had 2 sweeps, one a week before the induction date and the second 3 days before, as I was 1cm dilated and soft. I hoped this would speed things on naturally and avoid the induction. Neither were successful but I did have a bloody show after the 1st.
We arrived in hospital, on Thursday, for the induction and I was 2cm dilated and soft so they started with a 24hr pessary. I started contracting straight away however a few hours in to the 24hrs it eased. At 24hrs they advised they could break my waters, but they had no labour room available. To ensure I was in the best position, as I was waiting anyway, they proceeded with a 6hr pessary tablet. This again brought on lots of contractions that then eased so they then gave me another 6hr pessary. At the end of the last 6hrs I was 2cm and baby was very low so it was just a waiting game. With no room available I was kept in until Sunday 4am when they moved me to the labour ward. I rang my husband and he arrived shortly after.
In all honesty, from Thursday to Sunday waiting was the hardest time emotionally, I was exhausted, I wanted to go home. I listened to the relaxation mp3's and positive affirmation every night to help me stay calm, it really worked.
At 5:30am I was 2cm dilated and they broke my waters after which I went for a walk around the hospital grounds and looped the car park several times. We went back to the room and I bounced on a ball waiting for movement. They moved me to a bed to put in a cannula, but, it failed and suddenly I got the most intense pain (which I now know was contractions) which I could not control. I used gas and air and my husband counted my up breathing out loud, this is one thing I can't thank positive birthing company enough for! The midwife suggested that all of the pains were baby wriggling around, however, I was not convinced. I agreed to an epidural which failed to be inserted 3 times due to me moving so much, once this got put in the pain eased and I felt back in control. I said to the midwife that something felt wrong and she agreed to check me to find I was 10cm dilated and had dilated in less than an hour.
On checking, they realised baby was facing upwards and they advised I should try assisted pushing to help to turn him. I pushed for 2 hours before the next examination when they advised he had not turned and I would need to go to theatre. I remained calm and kept thinking back to the Positive Birthing Company. In theatre they managed to turn him without forceps but he twisted straight back and his head was swelling. They decided not to use forceps and to move to a C-section which all happened very fast. I used BRAIN and knew this was the best choice for his safety. Five minutes later he was laying in my arms and the love I felt and relief was unbelievable. The doctor later said I would have struggled to deliver Oscar naturally, because of his position.
Throughout the whole labour I managed to stay so calm and collected (bar the 45 mins of dilation) and felt in control of all decisions. My husband kept saying how the course was the best thing I had done and I totally agree. I recommend it to anyone I know expecting, and without it I have no doubt I would of lost control and been overwhelmed. Even though it could seem quite traumatic I feel so positive about my labour.

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