Birth story - Rachel and baby Evie


I got the positive birth company online course when I was 30 weeks pregnant, bearing in mind before this I was going to take all the drugs that I could. I really loved the course and my sister teaches yoga so she was super supportive of me doing the hypnobirthing! Fast forward to due date and I was bombarded with messages is baby here yet and I was so sad as I had no signs at all and was really starting to feel low! So I went back to the course and re looked at due date myths which made me feel so so much better! 

I had my midwife check at 40+2 and they checked everything and asked if I wanted a sweep. I asked if they could perform a successful sweep, but unfortunately no. My cervix was softening though so I thought, great go home chill out let's get this oxytocin flowing! 

2 days later I started to have MILD period cramps and didn't really tell anyone as I didn't want anyone getting excited. My partner Nathan made spaghetti Bolognese and I sat down and felt very weird and said I'm just going to go sit on the couch. I sat down and my waters popped everywhere, and I mean everywhere haha! I takes myself off upstairs to get a quick shower and ring the hospital. The midwife said make your way in and we will check you but you sound fine so more than likely you will be sent home. At this point get into the car all excited but don't want to get too excited as the pain was not bad at all!

I started to get more period cramps, 3 in every 10 minutes, and I was thinking is this it, surely not. I get into the hospital to be examined and find I am 8cm dilated! I was over the moon that breathing got me to 8cm.

Immediately I felt the transition so I asked if I could have a water birth and they began to run the water and I changed into downward breathing which my life was a godsend! The only time I needed gas and air was when I could feel the 'sting' and the midwife said, big push on your next contraction and pull your baby out of the water! I couldn't believe my eyes when I lifted my little Evie out of the water! In total I got to hospital at 9pm and Evie was born at 12:35am on the 27th of February. As a first time mum I can not thankyou enough for creating this incredible course!!



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