Birth story - Emma and baby Zachary
My fiancé bought me the PBC book for Christmas and I read it in a few days and then bought the online course. My pregnancy was pretty straight forward up until 36 weeks other than my SPD but I had this previously so handled it so much better this time around.
At 36 weeks I had a growth scan which showed I had extra fluid, due to Covid-19, I was at this scan alone and had never heard of this before so didn't really know what to think. I saw a midwife who said the consultant had seen my scan and wasn't too concerned and that was that. When I saw my midwife she wasn't happy with this as it completely changed my birth options and meant the only place they would recommend me giving birth would be the labour ward which was completely the opposite of what I wanted so I was extremely upset. It took weeks of investigating by my midwife to the point that at 39 weeks I still had no idea where I was to give birth or what would happen. Finally a consultant ordered an extra scan and explained they would prefer me to give birth on the labour ward as there was a risk of a cord prolapse due to the extra fluid.
At 39 weeks I began having contractions they were quite strong but they kept stopping I ended up having to be admitted to hospital because they couldn't work out what was going on, because the baby had so much fluid he kept moving back off my cervix meaning labour could not progress this went on for 2 weeks and I had two sweeps the 2nd sweep seemed to be the answer to my prayers.
On Monday the 18th my contractions ramped up to a whole new level I couldn't sit down couldn't stand up didn't know what to do. My fiancé was at work he got home at about 10 and that was it, things really kicked off. I got to the hospital about half 11 and I was still 2cm the midwife was so shocked as my contractions were one after another, and so strong, eventually they said I'd have to be admitted again. We got to the antenatal ward and the midwife took one look at me and said she's not 2cm anymore I'm telling you baby is starting to play ball and she was right I was 7cm. They rushed me to the labour ward and told me to call my fiancé. He came in just as the doctor did, as the baby had yet again moved back up the birth canal they decided to break my waters and I'm telling you it was like a river had burst its banks they had to change clothes and shoes lol.
As soon as they did this he moved down and 3 pushes later he was born at 3:55 am weighing a lovely 7lb 4oz. I didn't tear and I stayed calm and I strongly believe that was due to the course.
I am so amazed at how well I did by myself and I know I can literally do anything now.
Good luck mummas you've got this even when it's not quite how you planned it can still be a wonderful experience xx

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