Birth story - Becca and baby Alice


I gave birth on Wednesday and I'm so thankful of your company to say your books and surge app helped would be an understatement. The Freya app and breathing techniques helped me get to 8cm before I needed to get into hospital!

I started contractions at 1am on Wednesday and by 5am my surge app told me I was in established labour, I left it a little longer as my up breathing was doing wonders so I thought I surely can't be that far already. However after doing the dishes and feeding the dogs we decided to set off and to my astonishment I was already 8cm!!! Just shows what being in the zone can do for you! 

I was up at the labour ward and asked for some gas and air as my waters were about to burst. I got on all 4s on the bed and quickly felt the urge to start my down breathing. Having remembered my UFO positions this helped me focus more and within 2 hours Alice was born 💕


My IG is becca_girl_in_red

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