Birth story - Emma and baby Saffiya

*Triggers*: Epidural, Keilland’s forceps, and episiotomy

My second birth couldn’t have been any more different to my first! So this is a birth story for those expecting their second babies, who perhaps had a tough time first time round

As a bit of background... with my first baby, my waters broke but my contractions never arrived - so I was induced. To cut a long story short, after a 30 hours labour, at 10cm dilated, my baby boy’s heart rate dipped, and they found him to be back-to-back. As a result, I was taken to theatre where I had an epidural, an episiotomy, and Keilland’s forceps. He went to NICU for help with his breathing, and to be treated for suspected Sepsis, but all was fine and he came home two days later. Despite being a really tricky birth, it was a positive experience for me, thanks to this page, but I hoped second time round might be a little easier on me

With my second baby, I really hoped for the water birth I’d envisaged with my first. At 40+4, I woke with what I’d describe as medium period pains. I went about my day, mostly sleeping and resting, and also squeezed in a bath. By 15:00 I couldn’t recall feeling my baby move, so I phoned the hospital and they advised coming in.

Upon arrival, I was examined, and found to be 4cm dilated. I was transferred from triage to the birthing unit, where the midwives rushed around to fill the birth pool. I was confused because I didn’t feel in enough pain to be in labour - but they all told me that my baby would be making a very quick appearance!

Just as the pool was filled, I got in, and after a few puffs of gas and air, I was told that the midwife could see my baby’s hair! I focused on my breathing, and everything I’d learnt through the PBC, and two hours after arriving at hospital, our baby girl was born.

The midwives were amazing at following my birth plan, so the baby was lifted through my legs and straight onto me, where we had delayed cord clamping. I fed her straight away, and got out of the pool about half an hour later. We were then left in the room to relax and see how I felt, as to whether I was happy to go home, or whether I wanted to stay for a night - I chose to go home after a few Paracetamol.

I can only describe this birth as a really empowering moment. I was lucky enough to have the exact birth I wanted, where I got to feel the pain, but where I remained in control at all times.

After such a tricky first birth, I really didn’t know what to expect this time round, but I just kept telling myself that my body knew exactly what to do, and that all I needed to do was to go with the flow. The breathing techniques that I learnt 100% got me through, and it felt amazing to have such a positive experience of childbirth.

Our little girl is now a week and one day old, and we are all besotted with her, especially her big brother

For all you second mamas-to-be out there, forget your tricky first births, and believe in yourself second time round - our bodies are amazing, and they really will do everything for us, if we just let them.

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