Birth story - Cacherelle and baby Leo
*Possible triggers* - Induction/episiotomy/forceps/Group B Strep/ low heart rate (baby)
I wanted to post my story because, although it didn’t match anything I wanted on my birth plan, I still feel super positive about my experience and that is down to the PBC! I also want to show that even when things don’t go the way you thought, it can still be a positive and happy experience.
I loved reading all the stories on here in the run up to my birth and they helped me think about different eventualities and scenarios that could happen.
My pregnancy was very good, I suffered with morning sickness during the first trimester but once that eased off, my pregnancy was smooth sailing! I loved feeling him grow and move, it was the best feeling!
I started the positive birth company videos at around 25 weeks and myself and my fiancé watched them and practiced them up and down breathing along with the relaxation techniques until we felt like pros!
My waters went spontaneously on Monday 26th April at 3:15am, we called the MLU and they told us to monitor my waters for a bit at home, I put a maternity pad on and then got back into bed and tried to sleep but couldn’t, I was too excited! Around 6:30am we rang the MLU and they asked us to come in to check me over, I had a shower and got ready and by 8:30am we were at the hospital.
Once we got to the MLU they checked me over and told me I wasn’t dilating yet, I explained about having Group B Strep and they said I would need to be induced as the risk of infection to baby boy was greater. I was fine with this as I was always aware I might not get to have a water birth.
We went upstairs to the induction ward and the lovely midwife showed us into our own room, they gave me the gel around 12noon and said they would check up on us after a few hours and then they left us to it, I found this relaxing as it was just myself and my fiancé and we could relax. We watched TV on the IPad and just waited.
Around 5:30pm I started to feel twinges, the midwife came to check me and said I’d be moving over to delivery as I was starting to have contractions, she mentioned that I may need to have syntocinon if I wasn’t dilating enough but that it would be discussed with me on the delivery ward.
We moved to delivery at around 9pm where they checked me again and said I was 2cm dilated! It was decided I’d be left for a bit to see what would happen naturally, I felt so in control and used all the breathing techniques I had learned from the course. At around midnight I was checked again and I was 2.5cm dilated and the baby was also back to back so it was discussed that we would need to use the syntocinon drip to help speed up the contractions, I agreed to this and the drip was put in. I still felt completely relaxed and in control and continued to use my breathing techniques, and my fiancé was massaging my back due to the backache I was getting. I felt relaxed, in control and like a boss! Even the midwife commented on how well I was handling the contractions and everything which made me feel even better!
At about 3am (12 hours from waters breaking) I started feeling the urge to push so asked the midwife to check me, I was only 5cm dilated but because of babies position it was giving me the pushing sensations, we discussed pain relief and I decided on the epidural to take that pushing feeling away as it was too soon. Once the epidural was in, I was able to relax and get some sleep which was needed! I was still able to feel my contractions slightly which I found positive as I was still able to breathe through and recognise what was happening with my body.
8am on Tuesday 27th April, the midwife checked me again and I was 9cm, I was so excited to think I would be meeting my baby soon! By 9.30am I was 10cm and ready! Due to the epidural, I wasn’t able to be upright when giving birth but by this point I was too excited to meet my baby and didn’t care, I just wanted him here safely. After a bit of pushing, babies heart rate started to drop a little after contractions so I was talked through my options of what to do to help, I decided on forceps as I didn’t want the ventouse for baby. With a little help from the doctors, my gorgeous baby boy was born at 10:13am on Tuesday 27th April.
I am massively grateful to the Positive Birth Company, even though my birth was nothing like I imagined, I still felt positive, in control and confident the whole way through. I felt well informed on decisions that were made, my birth was a really positive experience because of this, I massively believe this is down to all the prep I did with the Positive Birth Company videos and breathing exercises!
Ladies, a bit of advice to anyone about to have their baby, don’t be afraid if the birth plan changes on the day, make sure you are happy with all decisions made and enjoy it because you get the best gift at the end!

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