Birth story - Dellaria and baby girl

Our daughter was born in the 16th of Jan.

I've always been afraid of giving birth until the day I read your book.

I'm, from nature, a pretty nervous person and I can tell you just the thought of remaining calm whilst in pain freaked me out.

Well, thanks to you I've had the most wonderful experience with giving birth.

My water broke at 22.30 PM. We went to the hospital and the labour started.

It lasted 12 hours with quite heavy surges. I dilated only 1 finger per hour which started to get very painful after being 8 hours in labour.

All along, the nurses and midwives commented on how wonderfully I controlled the surges.

Because all the time I thought of what you've thought me.

Own your pain, control it, breath it out, the surges are made by my body, surely I can deal with it!

And I wonderfully did!

At 09 AM I received the epidural and was able to sleep for 1h30. After the power nap, the midwife came to check on me and I was completely dilated and ready to give birth.

I pushed 3 times, which lasted 10 mins and my little girl was born!

Without traumatic experience and remaining in control all the time! 

So thank you guys, for giving me the best birth experience


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