Birth story - Chloe and baby Piper Roux

At 26 weeks pregnant I changed my midwife to the amazing Ivy team where I met the incredible midwife, Lenka. I never thought I’d be someone to have a baby at home but hospital set my anxiety to an all time high and she suggested I think about other options.

I started doing hypnobirthing at about 33 weeks pregnant with the positive birthing company, which is an absolute game changer in the pregnancy world that’s for sure. I honestly can not recommend it enough, the videos completely changed my view on labour and made everything so positive and gave me the complete understanding of what the body does and is going through during labour!

So, as soon as I told George about my ‘surges’ we packed our bits together, got into the car, and drove to my parents house for my home birth 💗 (my new house was a little bit further from the hospital) We got there around 11.10pm.

From my first surge I was using the Freya app which logged all of my surges and really gave me something to concentrate on. I called triage around 11.25pm and the midwifes arrived with me by 12.30am. I had been standing and rocking my way through the surges whilst George set up the birthing pool. I continued to use the Freya app and I even showed my lovely midwife Marnie so she could see my contractions (Lenka sadly wasn’t on call that evening).

I hit the gas and air around 1.30ish, still standing and still reminding myself that each surge is one step closer to meeting my baby. I had full control, I was in the zone, doing my up breathing and remembering everything I had learnt in my hypnobirthing videos.

I then got into the birth pool around 2.15am and was hanging over the edge and instantly my waters went. It was an amazing feeling getting into the water, I was still in my zone and concentrating on doing my up breathing.

The time came where my body just released Piper, no pushing, no intervention, no stress, pure oxytocin took over, she was here at 02.57am we did the delayed cord clamping. I was so amazed and proud of myself!

Piper didn’t make a single sound when she was born she was so peaceful and content just staring at us💗 I am so glad to have found the Ivy team and I am amazed by what I learnt from the Positive Birth Company. Harley came down as soon as Piper arrived and it was just beautiful!

Hypnobirthing is for every birth, I wish I had known about it for Harleys birth but I’m so grateful I did it and I’m so grateful I can share a positive birth story💗 and the Ivy team I’ll see you next year 🤪

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