(STILL) Birth story - Charlotte and baby Jasmine
***TRIGGER WARNING*** This is the positive birth story of baby Jasmine who was still born at 26 weeks. It is a beautiful but heartbreaking read and may not be suitable for all. I have decided to share this story for a number of reasons. Firstly because Jasmine was born calmly, gently and with love and the birth experience was a positive and empowering one for Charlotte, despite the tragic circumstances surrounding it. Secondly Charlotte wanted to share her story and hopes by doing so that she will help others and thirdly because I believe baby Jasmine and her incredible Mama deserve to be honoured and celebrated just as everybody else is. Thank you Charlotte for sharing your story.
I had used the PBC online pack in my first pregnancy with Jasper and I’d had a really calm and natural water birth with just gas and air.
So naturally, when I found out I was pregnant again with a little girl. I wanted to use all those techniques again. I remembered them all and my plan was another water birth.
Following my 12 week scan, I was told I had low Papp-A. This is a risk factor and not a diagnosis, so you are monitored more closely from 28 weeks.
Everything in my pregnancy was going great, I was active, eating well and felt great.
On February 3rd I woke up and felt no movement so I rang triage and was told to come straight in, I went in and I had a sinking feeling. I knew my body and something wasn’t right. I was given the worst news possible…my babies heart had stopped (unexplained). I was 26 weeks pregnant, the midwives were lovely in consoling me and gave me time before we discussed the next step.
I was given a room and had the most supportive midwives around me. They gave me all my options and explained them. They advised I’d be given an oral tablet to be induced and could go home but I decided to stay, being induced terrified me, if I’m honest, but I wanted to meet my girl.
24 hours later (5pm on the 4th) I was given a pessary…I didn’t expect much to happen but 2 hours later I was having tightening and I just kept moving and used my breathing to keep me calm, in what is a very traumatic situation. By 9pm I was having regular contractions lasting 45 seconds and just over a minute apart. I was using my Freya app and it had already said I was in established labour. I refused any pain relief as I wanted to give My girl the birth I had planned. We were due to go to a room with a pool…
But she had other plans. I knew my body and I had laboured before so I knew I was progressing fast. I went in the shower and had it running on my back. Before I knew it I had transitioned and I felt the pressure and at the peak of my contractions my body was pushing, so I grabbed a towel and dropped to my knees and pushed her out.
She was born en caul (in her sac). I popped the bag and scooped her in to my arms and just couldn’t take my eyes off my beautiful baby. I welcomed her to the world and kissed her head. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to press an emergency button before she arrived, so I pressed it a moment later, and a flurry of staff came in and cut her cord etc so I brought her into this world by myself and I’ll forever remember that.
Jasmine was born sleeping 4th February 2022. 1lb 4oz. 21:20. She stole a piece of my heart. I spent 3 1/2 days making memories with her and I’ll never forget them. I miss her dearly 💗
I hope this story can be shared and bring someone some comfort that you can still give your baby a positive birth even when they are born sleeping.

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