Birth story - Chantal and baby Isabelle


*Trigger warning*: Episiotomy, ventouse, distressed baby, blood loss

I used PBC with my first pregnancy and knew I would want to use it again during this pregnancy as it was so useful first time around.

A bit about my previous pregnancy I went into natural labour with my first but unfortunately after 28hrs of labouring I failed to progress beyond 7cm and ended up with an emergency C Section. So this time around I was determined to get my VBAC which PBC helped me to achieve. I was able to go to my consultations feeling prepared and ready to push for a VBAC, which the consultants were happy to allow me to try.

At 39 weeks my blood pressure started to rise and the doctors were concerned that it would progress to pre eclampsia and recommended going for a balloon induction at 40 weeks to be on the safe side. I used BRAIN and decided that I was happy to try for this as I didn’t want to risk not getting my VBAC.

At 40+1 I went to the hospital and had the balloon fitted and then had to wait until the next day for it to be removed. Once they removed it they said that my cervix was very soft and I was about 2/3cm dilated but still quite long but the balloon had done enough for me to be able to go to have my waters broken. The doctor explained that once my waters were broken they would give me 4hrs to progress and after this time if I had not progressed I would have a choice of hormone drip or another c section. Due to my previous c section the hormone drip increased my risk of scar rupture which made me a bit anxious but I just remembered to try and stay calm and cross that bridge if the time came.

At 40+3 at 2am I was moved to delivery suite to have my waters broken. The surges started within 30 mins and I started using up breathing and listened to my music whilst bouncing on the ball to try and relax and help things along. I started to feel quite unwell and spent the next hour in the bathroom. When I returned back to the room the midwife offered me an anti sickness injection which I accepted, it really helped and allowed me to go back to focusing on my up breathing. At this point I asked for gas and air as the surges where becoming more intense and I found this helped me to focus on my breathing. Not long after I asked to be examined to see if I had progressed and see if I could get an epidural as surges where coming thick and fast. At this point the midwife told me I was 4cm, I felt quite disheartened at this at first as I felt the surges where becoming more intense and hoped to be further along.

I soon forgot I had asked for an epidural and continued with the gas and air for another hour until the midwives switched over and they mentioned I had requested an epidural which reminded me that I had requested one. I then asked for an epidural again and another exam but the midwife explained that due to risk of infection after waters had been broken they only do exams ever 4hrs but she said she would go sort out the epidural for me.

The moment she stepped out of the room I suddenly felt my body start to push and got my husband to press the buzzer to get the midwife back. Luckily she had heard me from outside the room and came straight back in. In hindsight requesting the epidural again was probably as I was going through transition. The midwife did then examine me and said I was 9cm so had gone from 4cm to 9cm in an hour which I was chuffed about so she called for the doctor to come and check and make sure I was good to push.

At this point things started to take a turn as a gush of blood came out before I started pushing and the emergency buzzer was pushed and the room flooded with midwives. The doctor then explained that he would need to do an episiotomy and ventouse to help baby out quickly as she was getting distressed. During this time I stayed calm and used BRAIN to evaluate what was best and was happy for the doctor to intervene. 12 mins of pushing later and baby was out and passed straight to my chest for skin to skin which was such a magical experience as I didn’t get to have this with my first birth.


Whilst I had skin to skin the doctor stitched me up and explained I had lost 2 litres of blood which was likely due to the placenta coming away early which explained why the umbilical cord was almost white as soon as she was passed to me and why intervention was needed and why baby was distressed.

Even with all of this happening not once did I feel scared or like I wasn't in control and have to thank the PBC for that as it helped me to stay calm and in control of my birth and because of that I was able to get my VBAC which I was over the moon about.

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