Celebrating 5 Years Of The Hypnobirthing Pack

Here at PBC HQ we’re celebrating something very special this week- our Hypnobirthing Pack turning 5! And wow we cannot believe just how fast the time has gone. From a team of one, our Founder Siobhan working in her home, to a team of midwives, hypnobirthing teachers, operations leads, marketers and more in a beautiful office in the Devon countryside we really have come a long way. And that’s not even including the amazing community (yes you reading this!) that has grown with us along the way.

Since our Hypnobirthing Pack’s launch in 2018, we’ve guided a breath-taking (excuse the pun) 117,000 people across the globe through birth, a number we couldn’t have dreamed of back in 2018. It has always been PBC’s mission to make hypnobirthing more accessible for EVERYONE, because we believe EVERY woman and birthing person deserves access to the tools, knowledge and support for the best birth possible and we are thrilled we can continue to do this through our online courses and free resources.

To mark this very important birthday, we’ve got a few party favours we want to share. Read on to find out how we’re celebrating with you, and what some of our OG hypnobirthing parents had to say 5 years on.

Some of our incredible team celebrating our 4th birthday last year.

Hypnobirthing Alumni 5 Years On

We caught up with the original hypnobirthing parents who signed up to our program on it’s very first day. Here’s what some of those original parents had to say to us: 

Anika - “I have nearly 5 year old twins and I found the pack invaluable for their birth, absolutely fantastic. I really really wanted to go on a hypnobirthing course at the time but all the ones around were unaffordable, so the online pack came out at exactly the right time. I love seeing how much the company has grown and how much you now offer. Game changer.”

Jen - “I remember the pack being released and grabbing it that day! I used it to have my dream birth that June and again a year ago for my second child, where I was actually so calm no one realised I was literally about to give birth!”

Ellyn - “Expecting number 3 this year so will be divulging into the online course once again!”

Ellen - “I bought the course on the day it came out and honestly it changed everything!”

Rachel - “I’m forever grateful to the pack for totally transforming my birth experience second time round! 

Hypnobirthing Babies 5 Years On

Party Time

As every parent knows, 5 years is a big deal, so we’ve teamed up with four of our favourite brands (with us, that makes five brands in total to mark five years!) to do a giveaway worth over £1,150. Head to our Instagram post to find the details on how to enter. And keep your eyes peeled this week to see what other ways we’re celebrating turning 5.

From World records to Dragon’s Den, B Corp certifications and multiple awards, we are amazed at what we’ve achieved in the last 5 years, and can’t wait to see what we do in the next 5! Thanks for joining us on this exciting journey.

The PBC team x


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