Birth story - Samantha and baby boy

Samantha is a first time mum who had her baby by planned cesarean, at 37 weeks + 3 days, due to elevated glucose levels and reduced movements. She says, ‘Whilst it wasn’t the birth I’d dreamed of when I first got pregnant, in the end I couldn’t have asked for a more positive experience.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Mum and baby girl

This same sex couple got pregnant with their first round of IUI and had their baby in hospital at 38 weeks + 6 days. Mum says, ‘Throughout my labour both my partner, mum and midwife described me as calm, and this has to come down to the positive birth company.’ Read their positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, induction, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, induction, vaginal birth The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Robyn and baby Wren

Robyn is a first time mum who was induced in hospital at 40 weeks + 2 days. She had gone into hospital prepared to fight for her choices but the hospital staff were warm and considerate. She says, ‘I felt empowered every step of the way, and can't wait to birth again.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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first time mum, hospital birth, induction, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company first time mum, hospital birth, induction, unplanned cesarean The Positive Birth Company

Birth story - Charlotte and baby Mila

Charlotte is a first time mum who conceived via IVF and was induced in hospital, at 39 weeks + 6 days. After a tricky pregnancy and a rocky start to labour it was decided a cesarean was the best option and she says, ‘my caesarean delivery was so peaceful and enjoyable.’ Read her positive birth story here…

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