Positive birth story - Clare and baby girl
Being a teacher, I finished work at 33 weeks and used 6 weeks summer holidays to get prepped for labour. I bounced on my birthing ball as much as possible, drank raspberry leaf tea, listened to positive affirmations, practised up breathing and read lots of positive birth stories.
Throughout the pregnancy I tried to remain active and went swimming and to yoga classes 2 or 3 times a week. I was also conscious to remain upright, forward and open and my Mum and husband told me off if I was slouching on the sofa lol.
My Mum, a retired midwife was due to fly over to be with me for the birth on the 4th of September and I was due on the 8th. However, on the morning of the 1st of September, I woke at 5:30am feeling like I needed a wee. I got up and didn’t quite make the toilet, with what I thought was urine running down my leg. I tried to squeeze my pelvic floor but to no avail. I quickly tidied up and got back into bed. My husband went to the toilet at 6:30am and said, “did you have an accident the floor is wet”. I was embarrassed and quickly got up to try and clean it up again, upon getting out of bed, the water started trickling down my leg again and we realised this could be my waters breaking. My husband rang my mum and told her to change her flight and get over asap.
I text my midwife to tell her and she arranged to come out and check that morning. She arrived about 10am and confirmed it was my waters. She reminded me that I was now on a time frame and that the next 24 hours were crucial. I decided to keep busy and take my mind off things, I got showered and washed my hair. My sister-in-law came to visit and came with me to do the weekly shop so I could make sure to have all my snacks in. I baked flap jacks, made jelly pots, did some washing and my husband and I had arranged to have fish and chips for tea after he had finished work. My sister-in-law helped my husband with the final touches to the birthing pool and did some hoovering for me.
Throughout the day I had mild period like cramps and my waters continued to trickle. My Mum arrived at 10pm while I was in the shower and when I got out, I cried with relief that she had made it and would be there for the birth. Before bed my husband and my Mum were rubbing my feet with clary sage oil and my sister-in-law plaited my hair. I went to bed around 11pm as I knew things could ramp up in the night. I woke about 1:30 and started to have stronger cramps, I breathed through them and tried to sleep. At half 2, I sat at my dressing table leaning over and continued with my breathing. I started using the Freya app to keep track of my surges. At 5:30am, I suddenly felt ill and had to run to the toilet where last night’s fish and chips went everywhere. My poor husband had to clean this all up and I went downstairs to bounce on my ball.
Between 5:30 and 8:30 I bounced on my ball, sat on the toilet to remain UFO and breathed through the surges. I used my birthing comb and tried to stay cool using a cold flannel on my forehead. I didn’t fancy any of the snacks I had bought but stayed well hydrated with ice-cold water. I also tried my tens machine for a very short space of time but I didn’t find it very helpful so took it off again. My husband rang the midwives just after 8am as we knew the day staff would be on duty. The midwife said they were very busy that day and were just trying to arrange staffing. Shortly after I was asking to get into the pool so my husband filled this and I got in at 8:30am.
I stayed in the pool until 9:30 and my husband had another phone call with the community midwives to say that someone would be on their way soon. I sat on the toilet until 10am, and breathed through the surges. My Mum was conscious for me to change position, as she knew this could move things along. It was also good to empty my bladder and cool off from the pool. I got back into the pool at 10am and the midwife arrived at 10:10. She introduced herself and read my birth plan. She then phoned for a second midwife as she could see that my labour was progressing. I stayed in the pool until 11am and then went back to siting on the toilet. Whilst here my Mum did some light touch massage on my legs and my husband topped up the pool. Between the toilet and going back to the pool I had a few surges and swayed leaning on my husband and squatted down as I knew this was good for baby to descend. Throughout this time the midwives just observed and listened in to baby’s heartbeat when necessary.
I got back into the pool at 11:30am and squeezed tightly onto my husband’s hands during each surge. He really helped me to concentrate on my breathing and reminded me that I would birth my baby calmly and confidently. I noticed my breathing had changed and knew I must be close to birth. I had a wobble that I couldn’t do it but my Mum and husband reminded me that I was doing it and to just go with my body. Just before 12 I requested gas and air however the midwives said birth was imminent and it was still in their car! Baby’s head was born and she opened her eyes under the water, on the next surge her body came out and I guided her through my legs and up onto my chest. She was covered in vernix and we sat in the pool for around 15 minutes having skin to skin and delayed cord clamping. I got out of the pool and got dried and cosy in my dressing gown. I couldn’t believe she was here and I had had a non-medicated birth!
Throughout I had no idea how labour was progressing as I received no vaginal examinations. I simply got into ‘the zone’ and imagined meeting my baby. I was also conscious to stay away from the fear- tension- pain cycle and I think this really helped me to stay calm. I also feel very lucky to have had 2 amazing midwives who respected my birth choices. A big thanks to Siobhan and the positive birth company for helping me to have the most amazing birth experience.

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