Birth story - Julia and baby Jacob
I initially wanted a hospital water birth however, due to a few growth scans, the baby was measuring 12 lb (5.4kg) it was not recommended. I am petite and have no idea how the baby fitted in my belly, plus I was in denial that my baby could be that big. I had also done two GTT tests and they came back negative..
My midwife rung me after the last growth scan (40+1) on 31.08, she said that I should have a discussion with the consultant at the hospital, which she booked me in for the next day 1.09.
I believed that my baby was the perfect size for my body, that was my mantra during my pregnancy. By the way, I loved positive affirmations for pregnancy and head and face relaxation. Siobhan’s voice is just beautiful and made me feel so relaxed ❤️
In hospital the doctors were very kind and heard my wishes about the natural birth I wanted. However, it was very good to listen to the risks to me and my baby if the baby is big..
I asked about the induction and they refused it saying it could cause more complications and they didn’t want to put me or my baby at risk and prefer me to go into labour naturally.
My husband and I had serious discussion about the birth of our baby and I burst into tears that everything that I had planned wouldn’t go to plan.
We used the BRAIN tool and decided that we would book in C Section for Tuesday 5.09.2023 and if labour started earlier we’d deal with it then. I also had a sweep done on 1st September, and that must have been successful… as on 2nd Sep I felt off the whole day and I was very tired..
Finally, then next day my time had come. I started having very mild period-type cramping at about 1am on 3 Sep that were coming roughly every 20 minutes. By 4 am they were coming every 5-7 minutes or so but still really not too intense so I just got on with my breathing. I took paracetamol hoping it would help…At 6 am it got worse and I woke my husband up, he called midwife and we have decided to go to the hospital.
We arrived around 9 am and I had to start using gas and air as they were coming every 2 mins now and it was quite uncomfortable.. My midwife examined me and I hadn’t dilated at all so she called in surgeon and we had discussion about c section. They all knew I was booked in for Tuesday 5th Sep, but our baby had his own plans and arrived on Father’s Day.
At 11.25am I was taken to the theatre and our baby safely was born at 11.44 am. We had delayed cord clamping and skin to skin right after he was born.
He was measured exactly 11lb (4.990kg). I couldn’t believe he was that big, and I am petite so it probably would have been very hard, or even dangerous, to push him out. Everyone was very supportive at the theatre! My midwife took some pictures and videos of us. During the operation I was listening to Head and Face relaxation that definitely helped me relax and breathe deeply.
Thanks everyone for your stories, I loved reading those. Although this is not exactly what I had in mind I am so grateful for our son to arrive safe into this world.
We had to spend 4 days in hospital due to his breathing issues and my lactation but all is good now.
Thanks Positive Birth Company and Siobhan for the course❤️

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