Birth story - Zita and baby Kamilla


I knew I wanted Hypnobirthing soon as I found out I'm pregnant after 6 years of trying.

The Positive Birth Company gave me a lot of confidence during my IVF pregnancy, because it taught me how to trust myself and my baby. They also made me understand that I have my own rights and I should be confident to follow my own instinct!

I was offered an induction at my due date because of IVF, but using the BRAIN technique I declined it. I wanted a natural water birth in a birthing centre.

40+1 weeks- brown discharge

40+2 weeks- Sunday evening, surges started and I lost my mucus plug.

I was in early labour, my surges were 20 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds. It was like mild period pain but I knew, this was it!

40+3 weeks- Monday I had surges all day and night but they weren't getting intense.

40+4 weeks- Tuesday I was very exhausted as I didn't sleep Sunday or Monday night as my surges were too strong for sleep. I was a bit scared that nothing would happen and I had already started losing my strength.

40+5 weeks- Wednesday I had a sweep and my midwife told me I was 1 cm dilated. I was so happy! By the evening my surges were consistent, intense and 3 minutes apart lasting a minute! It was time to go!

We've got to the birthing centre where I was examined and to my surprise I was still only 1 cm! I couldn't believe it knowing how strong my surges were! She did a sweep and accidentally broke my waters which started to leak, therefore they kept me in for monitoring!

I was in so much pain, but hoping I would dilate soon! She said that if my surges weren't getting stronger, I would have to be induced! They gave me 24 hours and gave me the option to go home. I was so disappointed I didn't wanted to go home, I knew that my surges would develop further, quickly.

My dream birth was a water birth, and the midwife told me I couldn't have it as I had an IVF pregnancy and I needed to be monitored through labour! I couldn't believe that but I kind of accepted that I would be induced, and my birth would be different than I thought!

40+6 weeks-Thursday morning my surges were getting really intense. The midwife told me that they wouldn't examine me due to risk of infection. They would only examine me after 24 hours had gone-which was Thursday evening 10:30pm! I was so disappointed and losing hope!

I felt that the surges were very strong and intense and I knew I was dilating! I asked to be examined at 8:30am (despite them saying they wouldn't do it) because I was in so much pain without any pain relief! To everyone’s surprise I was 5cm and ready for active labour!

A new midwife came and led me to a room with a pool! She said of course you can have waterbirth!

That moment everything changed! I summoned so much strength, it was like I was wonder woman! I started labouring at 9:30am and my baby was born in the water at 1pm! 3.5 hours active labour from 5cm to 10! It was incredible!


I completely let myself go and became my surges! They were not painful anymore, it was such a spiritual experience I can't describe! I lived and breathe through those sensations!

Pushing was 30-40 minutes long and absolutely amazing! I can't believe that I had such a powerful, beautiful experience without any pain relief!

Here is Kamilla Mae, my beautiful daughter born on the 22nd October 1pm weighing 3.24kg!


All I can say is to trust your body and baby! Everything will come in time! Birth is magical.. You'll experience something out of this world and thank you to Positive Birth Company for every knowledge!

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