Birth story - Zemirah and baby Levi

*Trigger warning* - Second degree tear/stitches.

I am so pleased to be finally writing this since our little one kept us waiting to the bitter end and was finally born at 42 weeks exactly.. at ten minutes to midnight!


My pregnancy was straightforward and generally very positive, I had nausea in the first trimester and very swollen feet in third, but all checks came back fine.


I'd been getting really strong Braxton Hicks for weeks leading up to the big day, but at the time didn't know if they were the real deal or not. After 3 vaginal examinations/sweeps leading up to my labour I was only at one and a half cm dilated with a posterior cervix the day before I went into labour.

At 9:00am I woke up with mild contractions. At first they were no more intense than period cramps (which are usually quite strong for me). After a couple of hours they had increased in intensity and I somehow knew this was the real deal. Within the hour I was asking my husband for the tens machine to get through the contractions. I spent the next hours laying on my side in bed using up breathing and focusing on timing the contractions (which was a bit pointless) but felt important at the time! . I had chills between each one and then got overheated during every contraction, so my husband had his work cut out keeping me cool/warm, bringing snacks and setting the mood for a calm home birth.

At around 4pm the intensity had increased significantly since the morning and I was sure I was at around 4-5cm. The midwife came shortly after and did an internal exam and told me I was only 2cm... I was obviously shocked and disappointed. I could've cried and worried that I couldn't take much more. She helped me do some round ligament stretches on the bed and advised me to switch positions (use the ball, lean over sofa and try to be active). Then she left us to it.

I bounced on my ball and forced down some food and drink which led to a new low for me - I hadn't been sick for the whole pregnancy...or thrown up since childhood (like... seriously about 20 years) but I threw up everything I'd eaten less than 5 minutes after!

I continued to labour on my knees over the sofa, mooing and upbreathing for a few more hours when I felt like I was transitioning. I knew I needed to be checked again as I felt like I couldn't do it for much longer and was seriously thinking about abandoning my home birth plans and getting stronger pain relief at hospital. My husband called the midwife again and they arrived about half an hour later. By this point the only place I could really handle the contractions was on the toilet and they were coming so close together I couldn't work out where one started and ended. Somehow I managed to get onto the bed for another exam when the midwife told me I'd got to 9 CENTIMETRES (this dilation changed within about 4 hours)! I actually didn't believe her at first!

Around the time of the VE I was feeling the urge to poo as well as getting the contractions I'd been having all day. I let my body push and kept on up breathing...I was on the toilet mostly anyway but I knew it was getting close! The midwife moved me into the living room where the pool was just about ready. The pool gave me INSTANT relief as I got on my knees leaning over the edge of the pool. Finally I was given the gas and air and I loved it! I felt giddy, and was making everyone laugh with my ooohs and aahhs but it was also amazing for managing the contractions. I pushed for 50 minutes and the midwives advised me on changing positions and breathing. When they said they could see the head I was determined to get it done and when they said to reach down and feel, I couldn't believe I could feel my baby's head - with hair!!! After that I gave it everything I had, and it honestly was the most empowering and proudest moment of my life. I birthed and caught my wonderful son, Levi at 11:50pm. He was completely calm, eyes alert and totally happy to join the party!

The golden hour was really special and he did a massive poo on daddy's bare chest during skin to skin! I birthed the placenta about an hour later with assistance from the injection. I had a second degree tear but they let me use the gas and air for the stitching and that's when I got very soppy and sentimental! I started gushing about how meaningful their jobs were and how I never realised before how amazing our NHS heroes are, they were doing incredible things etc!

I owe so much of my amazing birth story to PBC for educating and helping me to make informed decisions that were right for me. I'm so grateful to the Birmingham home birth team who gave me that extra bit of confidence and didn't coax me into getting induced. I thank God too as I know a lot of our friends and loved ones were praying for us and I was fortunate enough to get exactly the birth I hoped for.

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