Birth story - Tola and baby boy


My name is Tola and I am a first time mum, who had an episiotomy and forceps assisted birth after failing to progress. Hypnobirthing helped me to remain calm with what could have been classed as a traumatic birth. I was able to make the necessary choices for me and my baby and I overall had a positive birth experience despite the complications.

My birth plan was to have a natural water birth in a birth centre, using hypnobirthing and breathing techniques to manage the pain.

Mild contractions started at 5am on my due date 16th July, which also happened to be my birthday. As the contractions were mild period like pains, I went about my day as planned. Got a pedicure and had lunch with my husband. After lunch, the contractions intensified but I decided to carry on labouring at home. By 4am 17th July, I couldn’t take it anymore and I decided its time to go to the hospital. The midwife examined me and I was only 2cms dilated. To my dismay, I got sent back home. After labouring for about 6 more hours, I went back to the hospital and I was 5cm dilated. I was admitted to the birth centre. I immediately got into the pool and it was amazing and so relaxing. I also used gas and air when I felt the need to. I got examined 4 hours later and I was 6cm dilated. The contractions were more painful and it seemed like we were moving in the right direction. I was excited that things were progressing or so I thought. Next examination 4 hours later showed that I was still 6cm dilated. I tried to remain positive and kept thinking that I need to stay calm and not release adrenaline by being stressed.

The midwife made her recommendation which was for me to move into the delivery suite and be induced and given syntocinon to intensify my contractions and speed things along. I refused the syntocinon because according to my birth plan, I wanted no intervention unless medically necessary. I told the midwife that unless something is happening to the baby, I would carry on walking around the hospital and staying active. I used my B.R.A.I.N to make my decision. I did squats and lunges and hopped on the medicine ball profusely. 4 more hours had gone past and I was still at 6cm. Furthermore, my baby’s heart rate had spiked twice. It was at this point that I agreed to the Syntocinon. The pain from the contractions tripled as soon as I got the drip. Suddenly my lovely calm labour seemed like hell and I couldn’t wait for it to be over. The midwife was adamant that I’d need the epidural, but I knew I could manage without it.


Labour progressed quicker at this point but I’d never experienced such pain. My husband was an absolute star and helped with my breathing techniques at every single contraction. He’d tell me to breathe in for 4 and out for 8 until the contraction passed. I kept chanting “every surge brings me closer to meeting my baby” and that made me feel a bit better each time. 10 hours later, we finally got to the 10 Cm dilated. I had been in labour for a total of 45 hours at this point. I was finally told to push. I was so happy, the whole thing was almost over. Then suddenly, I was told not to push and if I push I could harm the baby. Apparently his head was too low down my pelvis and pushing could harm him. I was informed that I needed some sort of assisted delivery.

At this point, I wanted to cry out of sheer frustration. I was wheeled into the theatre where the doctor advised they would try ventouse, then move on to forceps and if that doesn’t work, it’ll have to be an emergency cesarean. All I could think of is, “did I just labour for 46 hours only to have a c section”. I was quickly given the spinal and my legs went numb from that point. The doctor tried ventouse and it wasn’t working. I was struggling to push because I couldn’t feel my legs. Then he brought out the forceps and gave me an episiotomy. I mustered every single bit of strength I had to push because I did not want the c section.

At 12.19pm my beautiful son came out with a beautiful head of hair. When he came out, I forgot all about the pain and discomfort of the 48 hour labour. It was the best day and moment of my life, I couldn’t believe he was finally here. 


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