Birth story - Suzie and baby Pixie

*Trigger warning* - mention contractions (not negative for me)

I used PBC for my first birth back in March 2019, so knew I wanted to use it again!

My pregnancy was pretty straight forward, despite extreme morning sickness mixed with covid in the first trimester.

My first was born at 40 + 12 via pessary induction, so I was mentally (albeit not physically) prepared for the wait.

Was slowly doing all the stuff to help bring on labour - pineapple, curry, walks, tea and remaining positive.

Sadly we received some devastating family news on the 3rd October and my mental health took a dramatic nose dive. All my positivity left my body and I had no idea how I would remain calm, collected and upbeat for the birth.

The morning after the 5th, I woke up (after a TERRIBLE night with the 3 year old) had some stabby pains but nothing major and dismissed labour entirely.

Just to keep an eye on it I timed the twinges and to my surprise they were coming 2 or three in every 10 minutes.

My partner ran me a bath and I sat in there - counting the contractions for about 40 mins.

We rang the home from home, told them contractions were 2 in 10 and this was second baby, they told us to come on in.

We booked a black cab (ESSENTAIL FOR ANY LONDON PARENTS - they can go in bus lanes) and the journey took about 35 mins. I was using my upbreathing the entire way.

We arrived at the hospital at 1pm, had a vagina examination and to my surprise was already 7cm dialated!!!

The home from home team ran the pool and I was in at 1.45pm. The surges were ramping up and were pretty continuous at this stage. The gas and air was helping but I still had the wobble of ‘I can’t handle this pain any more’ but a few contractions after that I heard a pop and my waters broke.

The pushing stage had begun and lasted about 30 mins, I definitely felt the transition and urge to push.

Our daughter was born in just under 2 hours at 15.15 and I only suffered a small 2nd degree tear.

So grateful that my birth went exactly to plan and my body knew exactly what to do at exactly what stage. Truly something PBC has taught me!!!


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