Birth story - Sunamita and baby Sam
Our Sam is 6 weeks old today. I am still wrapping my head around the fact that 6 weeks ago I was having the most amazing experience bringing our boy to life.
I was experiencing early labour surges for two days which were quite mild and manageable. But during the night of the 12 to 13 they became stronger and closer together. We called the midwife who came at 6am. I was 1 cm dilated and because I was 41 weeks pregnant that day she offered a membrane sweep which I accepted and after doing it I got to 2 cm. She said she would come back at 9 am.
When she returned I was still 2 cm dilated then but with a thinner cervix. She left our house again and said she would come back at 13:30. Surges were getting stronger and I stayed in the shower for many minutes to pass through them.
At 13:30 I was 3cm dilated and the midwife was very positive and said she would come back at 16h and we would probably go to the birth center then. As she advised I went into the bath to relieve the power of surges that were getting stronger. My husband and mom helped me with preparing candles, the bath, relaxing music and massages. It was really effective to be in the bath tub and I felt really relaxed in the beginning but after an hour or so surges got even stronger and I felt like pushing. I didn't want to assume anything regarding my dilation but since surges were so strong at 15h we decided to call the midwife to come earlier than expected.
Midwife came at 15:30 and verified that I was already 10cm dilated. We would not have time to go to the birth center so we accepted to have our son there in our bath at home. I started pushing and in 5 min he was born with eyes wide open to see the world around him. We received him in a house full of love and we are all so thankful for his life.

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