Birth story - Natasha and baby Isla
*Trigger warning* - Use of the word contraction (not negative to me), Hyperemesis, perinatal anxiety and depression, Pre eclampsia and reduced movements.
Almost 4 weeks post partum and I wanted to get this all written down before I forget the little details
Previous pregnancy and labour overview
Had my first son in August of 2020 after having a really difficult pregnancy. I suffered with HG from 9 weeks all the way until delivery however throughout I kept hopeful that it would ease off. I started reading the PBC book however never got to finish but the bits I did cover really did help me. I had hoped for a straightforward and natural labour however at 38 weeks I was diagnosed with mild pre eclampsia and accepted an induction (in hindsight I wished I had requested further monitoring as it was still very mild). I was induced at 38+1 and required only a pessary and our son was born the next morning. Due to covid restrictions I had to labour alone through the night on the ward and ended up progressing so quickly (2cm to pushing in an hour and a half) that my partner only just made the birth of our boy. I was so grateful to have had such a straightforward and no intervention labour considering I was a FTM and being induced. Throughout labour I used my TENS as well as up breathing and visualisation to get me through and all the valuable skills I learnt from PBC, I also had 2 doses of pethidine.
Second pregnancy and labour -
After my first pregnancy we had decided we would wait a while before having another as it was such a difficult time. We unexpectedly found out we were expecting our girl in late February of this year. Instantly all the memories from my first pregnancy came flooding back and the anxiety set in very quickly. My sickness started this time around at 7 and a half weeks and the depression sunk in pretty much at the same time. I struggled a lot more this time as I knew from my first experience what I was in for and I knew the sickness would most likely last until the end again. I struggled with this feeling everyday as well as having to run around after a toddler. I did what I could to get through, went through CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) in the hope that I could find pockets of happiness in a difficult time and also tried many different anti sickness tablets, sadly none of which helped. Due to pregnancy being so difficult I knew that now more than ever, I needed my labour to be trauma free. I prepared more for labour this time around and purchased the online PBC course.
Due to suffering with pre eclampsia previously, I was monitored closely this time around and even received extra scans. As soon as I hit 37 weeks and after a meeting with my consultant, I had my induction booked in for my due date. This didn’t sit right with me as other than a few episodes of reduced movements everything else was going well and I had no signs of pre eclampsia this time around. I accepted the induction however after using my BRAIN, I decided I would cancel this. I had a sweep booked in for 39+5 in the hope it would get things going but again this was something that I planned to cancel.
After reading so many positive birth stories on here and following loads of positive birth accounts, I knew exactly the kind of labour that I wanted.
Labour -
I was feeling really fed up, crying quite a lot and was feeling concerned that my mood wasn’t the best to promote the flow of oxytocin. The day before I went into labour, I went to IKEA for meatballs and cheesecake (wasn’t often I craved things so when I did, I would go for it ) obviously walked loads and joked with my sister at how funny it would be if my waters went while walking around. Other than the usual pressure down below and tiredness, I had no real signs that labour was on its way.
I went to bed early that night as I was feeling really tired and my toddler was also really unsettled and spent most of the night in and out of our bed.
I woke up at about 2:30am after tossing and turning all night and feeling crampy (I had felt similar sensations before so didn’t think much of it). I popped to the toilet for the billionth time and when I wiped I noticed a little blood so knew this was the start of a bloody show! I called down to my partner who was still up building Lego to tell him it could potentially be baby day!
Just incase, I told him to get to bed and get some sleep. By this point it was 3am and I was noticing contractions had started. I ran a bath and decided I would time them and listen to my Freya app. They were now coming every 10 minutes but were super mild. I decided to get out of the bath and go downstairs. I had a tea and some toast and popped Harry Potter on. I decided I would try and sleep in between contractions which were now every 15-20 minutes apart. I managed to nod off and realised my contractions had actually slowed to every 30 minutes and at one point not having one for an hour. I was in denial that it was actually baby time and remember thinking this is going to be a long process. By this point it was 5:30am. I pottered about the house, bounced on my ball, and tried to get the oxytocin flowing with lots of cuddles with my partner and toddler. Contractions where irregular all morning until we got to about 1:30pm.
We put my toddler down for a nap and decided we would also try to nap. I noticed at this point that contractions were more intense and I was having to ooo through them. I asked my partner to put my tens machine on and I started timing them again. They were every 7 minutes or so however, some were lasting 35 seconds and others over a minute. I was feeling quite uncomfortable laying down and my body was telling me I needed to stand. Instantly the intensity settled down once I stood. It was 2:30pm by this point and I was back downstairs using my tens, comb and up breathing while swaying through my contractions. I was also feeling quite nauseous and unfortunately threw up all the food I had eaten. At this point I called my sister to come over to watch our son as I felt that things were ramping up. She arrived at 3:30pm and I was still breathing through contractions, I was able to speak in between them and didn’t feel that I needed to be in the zone just yet.
By 4:30 pm I was feeling exhausted and remember thinking I want to go to hospital, get an epidural and sleep by this point contractions were every 3-6 minutes and again lasting 35 seconds and sometimes over a minute. According to my app I still wasn’t in established labour however, I called the hospital as i progressed so quickly the first time and was now feeling that I needed something extra to get me through the contractions. I spoke to a lovely midwife and while on the phone had 2 contractions that I had to oooo through. She told me to come in and get checked as it couldn’t hurt but to take our time. After I got off the phone I felt this slight urge to push but realise now that this was most likely baby girl getting into a better position so I just went with it. We got our things together and made our way.
I remember worrying about the journey however, it was absolutely fine and quicker than expected, I just continued to breathe through and actually kept my eyes closed. We arrived at 5:40pm and we were taken to a room by 6pm. I asked for a vaginal exam as I wanted to see where I was. I was checked and told I was 3cm but could stretch to 5cm. I remember feeling a bit disheartened by this but had to remind myself that this wasn’t an indication of how long I’d have left. The midwife also said that she could feel her head and that there was a lot of water just in front of her head too. Before she left she said she was putting me on the clock and had a good feeling baby would be there in the next hour my partner and I were super surprised! I felt a lot more relaxed now that we were in our room and even managed a few laughs and good conversation inbetween contractions. It was 6:15pm by this point and I was using the gas and air, as well as up breathing, tens and comb to get me through. I made sure that I only put my lips and not teeth on the gas and air tube as I didn’t want to tense up during contractions - this really helped to keep my jaw loose as well as everything else!
The midwife came in about 20 minutes later and suggested I try a few different positions during contractions to hopefully get my waters to go. This didn’t feel right and I found it made things too intense. My body was telling me to be mobile and so this is what I did. At about 7pm the midwife suggested I get on the bed UFO as this could also help. This position felt good so I went with it. By this point I was completely in the zone however remember my partner saying my contractions were 45 seconds apart. In between contractions I was repeating all the lovely positive affirmations from the Freya app.
The midwife was watching me through contractions and noticed that by this point I was tensing my bottom during contractions. I remember her telling me to let go completely on the next one! I did exactly that and instantly felt the gush of my waters and in the same contraction felt my daughters head descend! 10 seconds later the midwife announced that she could see babies head to my partners disbelief! My body took over and started pushing and within one push her head was out! I was waiting for the ring of fire as I didn’t feel it with my son and thought no way would I be lucky twice. I didn’t feel it again this time around either. Once her head was out the the midwife had to remind me to pant and pause which I was grateful for. The next contraction came 10 seconds later and her body was out. I turned around and had her placed directly on my chest and she latched on within 5 minutes for her first feed.
We had delayed cord clamping and hours of undisturbed cuddles. I was going to go for an unmanaged third stage however once the cord was cut I changed my mind and had the injection to get the placenta out. The first midwife who checked me was pretty much right! Baby girl was born at 7:12pm, an hour and a half ish after arriving at the hospital. I was checked and had no tears, not even a graze ( had only a graze with my son).
All of babies checks were done hours later. We were taken down to the birth centre and put in one of their lovely rooms with a double bed for my partner and myself. Definitely felt like we were in a hotel! I had the most amazing shower, the famous NHS tea and toast followed by loads of cuddles and booby time with my girl. Truly the best gift after a challenging 10 months. I am so grateful to PBC and all the wonderful birth stories I read on here. My birth was everything I could have wanted and more. Feeling like superwoman still!

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