Birth story - Stephannie and baby girl
*Trigger warning* - Use of word contraction, Gestational Diabetes, Anxiety, Previous After Birth Trauma, Previous Blood Loss, PGP, Tears
Okay, so my back story:
I followed the PBC online course with my first pregnancy as I was petrified of giving birth. With the help of PBC, I gave birth to a beautiful little girl in the midwife led unit in the birthing pool. I then had to be transferred to the hospital due to loss of blood. It was my time at the hospital that I really suffered as I was not looked after at all.
Second pregnancy:
I was 100% adamant that I wanted a home birth and didn’t want to be anywhere near the hospital that had treated me and my baby so poorly and the midwife led unit had closed down due to lack of midwives.
The first trimester went fine apart from I developed PGP quite early on. I was then tested and confirmed to have Gestational Diabetes (GD). I was heartbroken. I had to change my diet which was very hard for me as I am a sugar and carb kinda girl. Unfortunately my change of diet didn’t lower my readings so I was then put onto medication to manage it. Thankfully this helped for the most.
However, due to the GD, I was “recommended” to have the baby on delivery ward (horrendous level 5) and would need to be monitored during labour AND then stay at least 24 hours for baby to be monitored. Queue my anxiety and breakdown. I was thrown into turmoil because of the fear I had going back to that hospital. PBC couldn’t help with this as my fear is for the after birth care. However, I did use my BRAIN to agree to their recommendations after it was explained all the complications that could occur when mother has GD.
After explaining my previous birth story with multiple departments at the hospital, it was agreed that I would stay on delivery suite to have the baby and then my aftercare would take place in the midwife led department of the hospital. This put me at ease some what.
39 +2:
I had been signed off work due to my anxiety and PGP so when I had a midwife check up, she agreed to a sweep as I felt my body had had enough of pregnancy. She confirmed I was 3cm dilated at this point. However, the sweep didn’t seem to do anything so I continue with bouncing on my ball and drinking raspberry leaf tea.
Due date - I had an argument with my toddler in the morning… as in she had a temper tantrum whilst out on a walk which made me cry and wonder if I had made a mistake with having another baby and how would I cope. 🙈
We went to my in-laws in the afternoon where I was having mild contractions, starting at around 3pm. I didn’t think this was “it” as I had been having on and off contractions (braxton hicks) for around 3 weeks and these feelings didn’t hurt, they were just a nuisance.
We got home around 6:30pm where I told my husband about the feelings I was having. We then just went about as normal and put my toddler to bed. I rang my sister (who was a birthing partner) and made her aware of the feelings and that it might be it. She then went to ring my mum and tell her to not have a drink (mum was at an event and was our babysitter).
My husband put my daughter to bed and I started cooking dinner. With a cramp came a leak. This was it. I rang my sister and told her my waters have started going and she rang my mum to arrange her to come over. 7.15pm and I dished up dinner and we sat down to eat.
I managed around 2/3 of my dinner before they started getting stronger so I got out my Freya App and started timing whilst using Up breathing. We agreed to ring MAU at 8pm as we knew they had a midwife change over before this so Rikki carried on getting organised and working through my list.
At 7:45pm, I put the TENS machine on which helped massively as it was a good distraction and soon my mum turned up. Now she was my saving grace. Each time I had a contraction, she stroked my hair like when I was little and it really helped me relax and control my breathing. Thanks mum!
I remained sat on the sofa when more water leaked through each contraction. My sister turned up at 8pm and Rikki rang MAU. Due to the GD, they said we can go up now.
My father in law came round to collect the dog and casually had a chat with us all which was a tad awkward but, I remained on the sofa 😂
Now the fun part:
It was 8:15pm when we got ourselves ready for the car, I stood up and said “I’m ready for the gas & air now”…
I had 2 contractions, walking to the car which was literally on my driveway so we should have stopped at that point.
Rikki started driving with my sister following in her car behind. We got to the next village and I felt the urge to push. I said to Rikki: “she’s coming now”
My darling husbands response: “she can’t, we aren’t at the hospital yet, just focus on your breathing”
We got a bit further and made it to the dual carriageway where I had another urge to push. I repeated, SHE’S COMING!
Husband: “Just hold it” <——- men don’t have a clue do they? As if I could hold it!!
I still had my seatbelt on, PJ bottoms, knickers, shoes, the whole lot. I was using the arm rest and door handle to support myself and lifting up my bum.
We had made it to the single carriageway of the A40 and I somehow birthed her head. I said to Rikki, The head is out and THEN he pulled over. With my next contraction, she was out.
My PJ bottoms caught her.
Rikki ran round to my side of the car and when he opened the door he saw a baby in my PJ bottoms and his words “Oh F***”.
He scooped her up and gave her to me and then my sister showed up and they both went about to find blankets and ring MAU.
Her eyes were open and she was crying which we knew was a really good sign. MAU said an ambulance would be around 10 minutes but we opted to keep driving as it would be quicker. So there’s me, clutching a newborn on my chest with placenta still attached and fully clothed. Comically really.
We got to the hospital and a wheelchair and midwife was there waiting, she said about getting my PJs and knickers off but I said she’s caught up in them. I was right. Midwife was shocked 😂
I then went into a bit of shock and was very cold and shaking. I had the injection to deliver the placenta. I was checked over and had an inner tear which needed stitches and a labia graze.
Baby Girl was cold so she had some time under the heat lamp but other than that, she was perfect.
Recorded birth time: 8:45pm.
Thank you to PBC for helping me with my first baby and providing me with the tools for delivering my second baby. I know, without doing this course and learning the breathing… I wouldn’t have been able do it. So THANK YOU!!
I guess, I really didn’t want to have my baby in hospital after all 😂

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