Birth story - Sophie and baby girl

I knew I would be overdue, as both my mum and sister birthed at 42 weeks so I was not at all worried about going over 40 weeks. From 41 weeks my check-ups became daily and were done at the hospital. At the 40+9 check-up I was informed I would be induced at 40+10, only because that's policy. I didnt like this and agreed with another doctor to only be induced if there was a medical reason which they were happy with. At 41+3 they said the amniotic fluid was getting low, so using BRAIN I agreed to be induced. Cervix was soft and slightly open so I figured things were getting ready anyway.

On 41+4 the induction process began with adminstration of low levels of misoprostol three times during the day (an off label use which is commonly used here). I did not want to be in hosptial (original plan was to stay at home as long as possible) so we spent the day in the local area basically eating and drinking our way through local cafes and a beergarden, hanging in a nearby park. That night I had to stay in hospital, sharing a room with a new mother + baby, so had noise cancelling headphones and netflix to make things comfy.


On 41+5 I received a higher dose of misoprostal in the morning. First very light period type surge at 12.30 while having lunch in the sun. Went back to hospital for next induction check scheduled for 13.00 where I got another dose of misoprostal which was probably unnecessary in hindsight.

Surges ramped up by 15.00, each lasting four upbreaths with approx. one minute break between each one. Surges were intense but managable walking around the park, leaning on husband and swaying hips with upbreathing.

We went back to hospital to discuss next steps as the surges had remained very frequent (one minute between each) and reasonably intense. Had to have another CTG which was challenging but ok. My clever husband put noise cancelling headphones on me playing Ludvico Einaudi which was great to block out the hospital chatter (there were two other couples in the induction room, for example) and kept me in the zone. I was examined and was 6cm, only 3.5h after the first light surge so that was great news.

We were able to enter the delivery suite where I was offered some pain relief (two pills to put in my vagina?) but declined as it had been quick and manageable so far. Instead I got in the birthing pool which was nice to mix things up a bit. It was relaxing in between surges to lie in bath, but surges were more manageable leaning on the side of the bath and moving towards child’s pose for each surge. Kept the headphones on the whole time with Ludvico on repeat which meant the midwife and doctor left me to it and only interrupted if it was really necessary.


I lost my mucus plug in pool (and assuming my waters, as didnt notice them anywhere else). Had to come out of pool after 1/1.5hours as baby's heartrate had dropped. Did not plan on a waterbirth (was open to just see what felt right) so no problem leaving the pool.

The midwife asked me to lie on the bed for a check and I was fully dilated (now around 18.00/18.30). I had not wanted to lie on my back during the birth but I had been UFO up until now and lying on the bed (at an angle) actually felt great, like having a rest. Was still listening to the music on the headphones, with the early evening light coming in through the window and only my husband and midwife in the room who said the baby would be here within an hour which was really motivating.

Tried to use the downbreathing and not strain while pushing, but let my body guide me. After 45/60min the midwife said she could see the head and in 2 or 3 more surges baby would be here which was a great motivator. I still had the headphones on with music playing until she came out, and remember the song playing as she came into this world. She came out in one push at 19.32, seven hours after the first surge! 7.3lb, 51cm, she was not at all "overcooked" for an almost 42wk baby.

I really enjoyed the birth experience which was relatively quick and shows that even an induction can be drug and intervention free. Upbreathing and birth music on the noise cancelling headphones were key for me.



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Birth story - Olivia and baby Sophie


Birth story - Eve and baby Boy