Birth story - Shelly and baby Tee
*Trigger warning* - PROM, Resuscitation, Shoulder Dystocia, Bleeding, Tearing, Contractions
On 7/13 I woke up at 6:15am to notice my waters gushing. We informed the midwife and started to get the pool ready in our kitchen. I was not having any other signs of labor at this time. My husband went to work and I went grocery shopping nearby our house knowing that there was going to be time before established labor kicked in. Later that day, my results for GBS came back positive. Over the next few days I had IV antibiotics and once while I was in active labor.
As time went on, I tried natural ways of induction such as walking, pumping, 1 tbsp of Castor Oil, and eating dates. I am not sure if any of these worked, but I did have the Castor Oil about 4 hours before contractions kicked in.
Contractions took place on my backside, so I was confused if they were actually contractions or impacts from the Castor Oil. They ended up being contractions and I was in established labor by around 2:30am. My midwives, doula, husband and yellow lab were there to support me. I labored in the pool with my IV hooked up.
As pushing took place and Tee’s head was almost all the way out, my midwife instructed me to get out of the pool and onto the floor. Tee’s shoulder was slightly stuck (minor shoulder dystocia), so the midwife used her hand to help Tee come out. When he was out, tools were used to help Tee come around and breath. His Apgar score was a 2 at birth, but he was at a 10 at the 5 minute mark. My placenta was delivered quickly afterwards. I lost quiet a bit of blood and had to get an injection and IV immediately. I was not able to do skin-to-skin at this point because I was dizzy, but my husband got to. The IV helped right away! Tee was born at 7:19am on 7/16.
We were able to have delayed cord clamping. Our midwife showed us the placenta and pointed out the spot that had been thickened. At my 20 week scan, they noted a thickened placenta, but nothing further took place. My husband was able to cut the cord. Later on, I received another injection due to my blood type and was stitched up from tearing during delivery.
I give credit to The Positive Birth Company for making me feel empowered and informed!

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