Birth story - Robyn and baby Jack
At 40+4 my waters broke at 4:20am - calling my husband who was on nights to give him the heads up that our journey to becoming mummy and daddy was starting - I went back to bed to try and sleep as much as I could. I was far to excited for that and ended up on here reading all the latest positive birth stories.
We were told at 9am to go to our assessment centre to make sure it was my waters that had gone. They checked everything and said as we lived less than a 10 minute drive away it was time to head home to labour as comfortably as possible which we then did. At this point the surges were coming every 5-7 minutes lasting about 30-45 seconds.
At home I got straight on my ball and got my TENs machine on and started really focusing on my breathing. At 3:30pm after being sick twice and my surges coming every 2 or so minutes lasting 50-60 seconds we called back up the maternity unit and were told to come in. By the time we was ready and at the MLU it was coming up to 5pm.
I was offered and accepted an examination just after 6pm and was told I was 3cm dilated. As the surges were coming through quite strongly they said I would stay in and they left me too it - I was so focused on my breathing I forgot all about my room spray and music!
At about 7:30pm I was told the pool room was ready and they were getting the water set up for me. Before I knew it I was in the pool and noticed very quickly the way my body had started shifting to wanting to push.
With each new surge I felt my baby moving down - at this point I asked for some gas and air. Without being coached my body was pushing my baby out and at 9:40pm he was here! Our little boy was passed through my legs and was in my arms and it was the best feeling in the world. We had immediate skin to skin and delayed cord clamping.
Thank you Siobhan for access to such an incredible tool - the digital pack was phenomenal! My husband was on board from the word go watching all videos with me. We were so excited for our journey knowing we had such great information and positivity at our fingertips. Good luck to all the mummies and daddies on here awaiting their newest additions!

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