Birth story - Georgie and baby Louis
My first baby arrived after a short labour of 5 hours start to finish and i didn't prepare for it at all. I came away from it feeling fairly positive, it was over quicker than I was prepared for and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I was told by so many that my second would arrive in half the time and be much easier, so I did no further preparations for the birth but in this case, the labour was longer at over 7 hours and it wasn't as easy as I had remembered. As I approached my third labour, I knew I wanted to be better prepared, and i had seen the unmumsy mum say how much the positive birth company had helped her through her latest labour, so I thought this was the route i wanted to take. I did know however, that I wanted to have this baby in a hospital, like my other 2 children, as I had a waterbirth both times previous and it was more of a 'stick with what you know' situation for me.
I started the online course at 32 weeks pregnant and instantly got on board with it. I couldn't believe how much I had learnt about labour and birth, even though I had done it twice already. Fast forward 8 weeks to my due date, I was feeling good about the impending birth, but then I went 9 days over in the end. I tried to tell myself my baby will come when my baby is ready but I couldn't help becoming slightly obsessed with that date and trying all the natural remedies under the sun!
I had a sweep at 41 weeks and the following morning I had my show and was sure it would happen soon. I was having very mild period pains on and off all day, and by 9pm I was sure that things wouldn't be too long away. I went to sleep at 11pm thinking I was probably in for a long night and woke up at 12:30 with definite surges that were 7-10 mins apart lasting 1 minute. They were completely manageable at this point, I called the labour ward who said it might be worth getting them closer together before I leave for hospital, but I was welcome to come in if I wanted. Within 10 minutes they were 3-4 minutes apart so called again and they told me to make my way, which would take 20 mins. By the time I left home I was having to use my up breathing and in the car, I was really in the zone and my husband was counting me through the surges.
I was examined in hospital at about 2:15 and was delighted to find out I was 5cms using breathing alone! I was already on gas and air with my previous births by this stage so I felt very positive that I was already ahead of the game. They started to run the pool whilst my husband counted me though my surges and did lots of light touch massage and by the time it was ready for me to get in the pool my surges had become much more intense and I wanted some gas and air, I got into the pool at 2:58, the water felt amazing and instantly added to my mood.
After just a few minutes of being in the pool I started to feel a bit pushy, which totally confused me as less than an hour ago I was 5cms, but I just went with it, letting my body do its thing. Focusing on my breathing and how close I was to the end, then suddenly I could feel the baby moving down, I didn't push, I just slowed my breathing right down and my body did the rest. I needed a bit of help to get his shoulders out as the cord was round his neck but Louis was born at 3:13! Leaving me feeling absolutely on top of the world and like I totally nailed it. I was totally in control the whole time and i have so much to thank this course for that. I didn't tear at all and the midwife kept saying how nicely I breathed my baby out, making me feel like wonder woman. I walked out of hospital 3 hours later with my third baby.
My heaviest baby! And by far, my most positive birth story. I cannot recommend this course enough. Thank you so much for making my third and final birth a brilliant one with wonderful memories.
Good luck to all the expectant mums.

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