Birth story - Rhian and baby Spencer
I was 37 weeks + 4 when my waters broke, I was still working from home, not due to start my maternity leave until the next day. My waters started as a trickle but then came the gush! I rang both the hospital and my husband to let them know.
Even though my waters had gone, there were no contractions at this point. The hospital booked me an appointment in 24 hours time to induce me if things hadn’t progressed naturally, to reduce risk of infection.
Luckily my contractions started the next morning, quite manageable at first but getting more intense over the next 5 hours. I used the up breathing technique to get me through and the positive affirmation that every contraction was one step closer to meeting our baby. I also had a bath when things were getting harder, trying to stay at home relaxed for as long as possible. We then made our way into hospital when the contractions were intense and frequent.
When I got into the hospital, the midwife gave me gas and air, examined me and I was already 6cm dilated. Immediately after this my contractions escalated in intensity and I suggested that I would probably need additional pain relief.
My midwife went right away to get me some, but when she got back I said I needed to push (you really do just know!) and sure enough I was 10cm already with the head right there! It had happened so fast I had only been in the hospital half an hour.
Definitely no time for pain relief, In 4 pushes my baby was born, our son Spencer ❤️ it was the most incredible positive experience, I feel so lucky to have gone through it.
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