Birth story - Rebecca and baby Finan

The feeling after giving birth was incredible, I was super proud of myself and totally in love with my newborn son.

After reading the positive birth companies hypnobirthing book religiously throughout my pregnancy I strongly believe this is why my birth was so amazing.

My waters broke at 2am Boxing Day morning with contractions following 30 minutes later. I immediately turned on my Freya app to time my surges and to help me stay relaxed which worked wonderfully. I finally rang my maternity unit at 6:00am when my surges were lasting 1 minute and coming every 4 minutes. To my surprise when I was inspected to see if my waters had gone (as it was more of a trickle then a gush so I wasn’t sure) my midwife told me I was nearly 6cm dilated and she could see dark hair. I was so surprised and excited as I was told a pool was free and we were to get to our birthing room straight away.

Once in the pool I had the sudden urge to start pushing I had gas and air which my husband held for me, he was an amazing birth partner helping me stay calm and relaxed in between and during surges making sure I was hydrated and was feeding me my favourite jelly babies to keep my energy up. Within an hour and a half our beautiful baby boy Finan was born. We didn’t know the sex and I pulled him out of the pool and looked through many tears to find out what we had.


This was the happiest moment of my life so far, we had immediate skin to skin and delayed cord clamping, that golden hour after he was born was incredible. I was super scared to give birth in a pandemic but thanks to the techniques I learnt through the positive birth company I got the birth I always dreamed of. I am shouting from the rooftops to all pregnant women and anyone who will listen about how amazing hypnobirthing is! X

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