Birth story - Paige and baby Bonnie

We were admitted for lack of movement a day prior to my ‘due date.’ This was the third time we had been admitted for lack of movement and abnormal heart rate for the baby. My partner was so desperate for her to arrive on her due date so when my contractions started halfway through a very healthy scan he was delighted. I was petrified as my first was born within three hours so I had a feeling madam would beat this record.

I was taken to the delivery room absolutely delirious on pethadine. My waters still hadn’t broken and the midwife said that was our next step as I wasn’t dilating quick enough. Well. Within about two minutes of the waters breaking a new level of animalistic spirit came out of me. I was making noises I had no idea I could make and I was screaming and begging for the pain to stop.

After about 45 minutes of intense contractions I managed to get myself comfortable on the bed sideways. I’ll never be able to explain this feeling, but I knew when I had reached 10cm because my little lady just slid down and began crowning. The midwifes were not prepared at all and they were begging me to hold on while they prepared. With a lot of guidance and fantastic work from my midwife my little lady was born superwoman style at eight pound eleven and not a graze or tear in sight. I have the birth in video and honestly it’s such an amazing thing to re watch. One hour and 30 mins altogether and Bonnie was finally here waiting to join her big brother George.

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